NOCLIPPED: Wall Phantom (Incomplete Beta)

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NOCLIPPED: Wall Phantom (previously known as simply "WallSurfer") is a game that a handful of people and I (CyanCoat) have been developing for the past couple of years or so (doing so during our free time, as this is merely a hobby for us and not our actual jobs)

The game follows a spy with the power of phasing into walls (whether hiding inside of them or just phasing through them completely).

You are tasked with sneaking into a high security building, going through each floor stealing as many documents as possible while avoiding (four?) security guards, each with a specific way of dealing with intruders.

Do not try to fight them, you will lose. Stealth and quick thinking is your friend.


Default Controls (can be changed):

Use "W,A,S,D" to move around
Hold "P" to Run
Press "O" to Hide inside a wall
Press "O" while running into a wall to phase through it (make sure you know what's on the other side)

(If you hold "P" while hidden inside a wall, you can see where the remaining items are, this is extremely important and not said in the tutorial I don't think.)
(Running can be noisy and alert enemies of your current location, have that in mind.)


This demo features:

-Three playable levels, without counting the badly paced, incomplete [but functional] tutorial
-Two (out of the promised four) Enemies who get tougher and tougher as a level progresses
-English and Spanish translations.
-A simple saving and scoring system (a timer to know how long it took you to beat a level, a self-updating record system, and we even keep track of how many times you beat a level!)
-An unnecessarily flashy and polished presentation with an intro cutscene that maybe didn't need to be there (we're not sorry).
-Some missing sound effects (we are sorry about that one).
-Music by CyanCoat
-Sprites by CyanCoat and KeroBerry1
-Level design and (some) character design by The5oul
-A couple, mostly minimal bugs here and there (sorry, we're trying our best!)


Earlier this year (2022), we started showing off incomplete prototypes of the game privately (to friends and strangers alike that could have an interest in what we were doing).

As it started coming close to completion, it quickly became apparent to us how flawed the game is in some of its execution, despite the level of polish we tried to add to it (this is only natural, as it was a fairly ambitious idea for a first time project that quickly snowballed into something bigger), and from there we had two options:

1 - Finish it as it is, and let it be whatever it is

2 - Retrace our steps and go back to the lab, start over from a design standpoint and correct the flaws.

For the time being, and against all common sense, we went with option 2, because my perfectionism just won't let me release a product that I know could've been better,
we're currently rebuilding a lot of things, scaling down or straight up scrapping some unnecessary mechanics and scaling up other things that needed more priority and attention from the get go. 

That means that this prototype build quickly became outdated, as it no longer represents the current state of the project, for better or worse.

However, it's the end of the year now, and with 2023 mere days away, after much debating I decided to say "screw it" and post this version of the game for now, as incomplete and abandoned as it might be, with the intent of:

a) Showing off some actual, tangible progress for the people who have been interested in the project and showing us their support since its conception. We are eternally thankful for that.

b) Fight off my own perfectionism. I know deep down that things will never be truly perfect (and they don't need to be), that experience and learning from errors is what makes what you create tomorrow 'good', all that jazz.
And besides, as apparent as some of the flaws are, testers liked the game enough to want to see it completed, the reception was a lot warmer than I expected.
So maybe the game is okay, who knows, everyone else in the team seems to like it, sometimes we're our own worst enemies, lol.

Anyways, hope you enjoy whatever you can enjoy from this buggy piece of software we call a game. It's not perfect, but there's a lot of heart and passion put behind it.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 2, 2023

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