One Man Crew (Nuclear_Diamond)
Made for the LOWREZJAM 2021, hence the 64x64 screen resolution.
Make sure to run the game Fullscreen. (that is, click the button on the bottom right to make the game window fill your entire screen). There is a bug where if you don't do this nothing is displayed on screen except the skybox.
You're on a spacecraft flying through an asteroid field full of space pirates, but where did everyone else on your crew go??
Work in progress!!
Click on different parts of the ship to travel there. Currently this doesn't do much but that will be how you fix your ship as you take damage.
Full ship physics simulation
Destructable, explosive enemies!
Radar contact sounds give you an idea of where enemy spacecraft are located.
z: shoot primary weapons
shift: increase throttle
ctrl: decrease throttle
wasdqe:rotate ship
look around with your mouse, click on parts of your ship to travel there (look towards the room you want to go to and click on it, like a point and click almost)
Currently your ship is invincible and enemies can't attack you.
Planned Features:
True combat with AIs that shoot back
Working ship systems with damage modelling and the possibility for manual repair
Shields, more weapons
More enemy ships, potentially more player ships