Orion Trail (itch)

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Dare to travel the absurd and dangerous Orion Trail, where only the luckiest, bravest, and most stubborn captains will make it all the way to the end. Come face the terrible and weird Synapsion Brain Beast. Cower before the pedantic might of Baxxtor the Instructor. Submit to the overwhelming cuteness of the three eyed Warp Weasel. Become famously incredible or incredibly dead!

Ultra Cool Space Features
  • A high-stakes and hilarious journey through the strange, stupid and terrifying locales of the Orion Trail!
  • Choose your crew, name them after your friends, and watch them die! Heroically! Or, you know, maybe they'll survive. Anything can happen!
  • Tons of random encounters, each with a variety of options and outcomes. You'll probablynever encounter the same thing twice! You might, though.
  • Away Missions! Send an Officer (with a few of your invaluably expendable Redshirts) into the fray. The rewards are great, but so is the risk…
  • Carefully manage your Resources: Food, Fuel, Hull, and Redshirts. Curse loudly as they're whittled away.
  • Play to your strengths! Each captain, and officer provide different bonuses to increase your chances of success.
  • Succumb to the chaos of the Probability Drive. You can rely on your Crew's abilities, but there are no certainties in space.
  • Chiptune soundtrack by Rainbow Kitten.
  • Gorgeous retro pixel art.
Release date
Schell Games
Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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