Outlaw City

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History of Outlaw City

Outlaw City wasn't always called by that name, it was previously known as Generation City, a city outside of the reach of foreign policy and law.

The short but powerful history of this city was forged during the beginning of the Energy Depression, when Generation Corporation promised the impossible; nearly infinite, cheap energy. With only two strings attached.

Although disbelieved at first, Gen. Corp proved their claims and were granted their concessions by the world governments:

First, the funding to create their endless supply of power, the Infinity Generators.

And secondly, land and complete sovereignty.

And so Generation City was formed next to the four gigantic Infinity Generators that fed the energy needs of the world for years.

Still afraid of another budding energy crisis, and given breathing room, countries frantically developed other forms of energy; thermal, advanced solar, large hydroelectric plants, and other forms advanced and soon were enough by themselves.

Their timing was perfect as the next year a huge and impenetrable domed barrier formed around the generators, cutting the power flow out to miniscule levels.

Without the interest of the world at stake, Generation City fell into a lull, and it's only other product, freedom from world laws, became it's primarly sales point.

For several years, Generation City became a place of crime and crusades, black markets and money lenders flocked and many transactions were performed within the city. Things were going poorly, and as history had shown, downward trends had a nasty habit of continuing.

The shield that had blocked access to the Infinity Generators had been leaking a strange radiation, one which began to affect the citizen. Nearly unnoticable at first, things began to speed up, and soon citizens found themselves changed.

The changes were not always disfiguring, and they were usually not even negative. People soon found themselves possessing increased physical attributes, and some found themselves able to control the elements or use powers not unlike those of comic-book superheroes.


Sahra Vintage

The protagonist of this story, more or less, Sahra's history is less shady than it might seem, although her future more murky.

Mistress Mystic

Her memory erased after an escape from Gen Corp, Mystic seems to be more the protagonist than Sahra, although it always seems to be Sahra that bears the brunt of the troubles caused.


  1. Customized RTAB system!
    A. Customized Skill Effects, ranging from Transformations to special buffs to % HP reduction and more.
    B. Specialized MP replacement: Stamina, which recovers each turn.
    C. HP and Stamina regen levels replaces old item healing and "heal" botting.
    D. Raised effectiveness of debuffs and "holds."
    E. Removal of "Item" command.
    F. Damage caused raises a character's "stress," which is used perform special "Super powers."
  2. Customized Skill Learning and Enhancement System!
  3. Full range of dynamic difficulty levels!
  4. End-game Score ranking based on numbers of fights and difficulty levels!
  5. Enemy level scaling and special attacks which are only released in higher difficulty levels!
  6. 5+ Full Hours of Gameplay.
  7. Variable ending based on your performance.
  8. Short special feature after the ending.
  9. New Game+


Sprites, Tilesets, Auto-Tilesets, Battlers, and Animations:

~Mack (http://www.mogunet.net/~mack/looseleaf/)
Naramura (http://naramura.kdn.ne.jp/)
Seen (http://seen-grr.s64.xrea.com/)
ccoa (Modern girl)
ganonfrog (http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a295/bobnsquire/coolguy.png)
Harlock (http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/9623/400tessanuova4kl.png)
Zakkaya (http://brightport.nobody.jp/zakkaya/rtp.htm)
Pickle/IceAxe (http://www012.upp.so-net.ne.jp/iceax/framepage1.htm)
RTP Project (http://neortp.k-server.org/)
Nakkuruman (http://homepage2.nifty.com/nakkuruman/)
Longinus (http://longinus.secret.jp/material/index.html)
zanyzora (http://www.rmxp.org/forums/local_links.php?catid=15&linkid=512)
Erk (http://www.rmxp.org/forums/local_links.php?catid=15&linkid=15)
Ask (http://www.rpgshrine.altervista.org/home.htm)
Tio (http://www.rpgshrine.altervista.org/home.htm)
Hypershadow180 (http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b77/Hypershadow180/Characters/)(http://interim.rpgxp.de/download.php?40.list.83.20.download_id.ASC)
Strawberry Quartz (http://www.geocities.jp/yuh_strawberry/rpg_xp.html)
RR (http://v-r.hp.infoseek.co.jp/)

Matt Pollard
DJ Gemini

Dubealex (AMS)
Near Fantastica (AMS)
Cogswheel (RTAB and Combat)
SephirothSpawn (Catepillar/Trail Script)

Custom Art, Title Screen, Testing, Custom Sprites:

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Feb 18, 2022

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