I'll add that later... don't have time now .)
ControlsEach user has his own pair of sets of controls.
One for when a Menu is active, he can then navigate to adjacent buttons or change an option field by pressing right or left. He press a button or go back by using his accept and cancel actions.
Another one for when he is in Game. The player can then move his character, pickup or drop a material on an adjacent table and he can swap his entire material stack with a table's one. The player can also interact with a 'Workstation' to craft items from the materials on top of it.
Keyboard User 1 ( WASD / IJKL)
- MENU navigate: WASD accept: J cancel: K
- GAME move: WASD Pickup: J Drop: L Swap: K Interact: I
Keyboard User 2 ( arrows/ numpad)
- MENU navigate: Arrows accept: 1 cancel: 2
- GAME move: Arrows Pickup: 1 Drop: 3 Swap: 2 Interact: 5
Gamepad User ( joystick/ buttons)
- MENU navigate: joystick + D-pad accept: east cancel: south
- GAME move: joystick Pickup: west Drop: east Swap: south Interact: north
System requirements for PC
System requirements for macOS
System requirements for Linux
Last Modified: Feb 22, 2021
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