Overhead (itch)

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"You are a monster! Of course you know it... She's just a young princess and doesn't deserve to be kept on your tower! She just wants to live a normal life, explore the world, meet new people and learn new things, but now she can't pursue her dreams. But you cannot wait, we'll make all we can to stop you and rescue her!!"

Defend your tower and let them all know what you're capable of!

OverHead is a tower defense 3D game with focus on strategy. You can get souls from defeated enemies to generate energy, summon towers to defend the paths that lead to your Master Tower or upgrade your powers in order to make an efficient strategy. Can you survive? Caution is needed, you are very hated and will be attacked from all directions! Try to stay in the lead and make your name!

- Mouse, arrows and WASD moves camera.

- Clicking on towers with right mouse button moves the Witch between towers.

- Clicking on towers with left mouse button open the MENU to upgrade tower's abilities.

- While in Master Tower, clicking on his Icosphere opens the MENU to build new towers, just choose which tower you want to build and then its location in map with left mouse button.

- Auto-attack is always on for now, but you can choose your target if want to.

- You can accelerate time with Z button

- ESC button opens the MENU

- Scenario is different on every game you play, randomly generated. Enjoy it :)

- Do your best in order to go to the leaderboard. Good luck!

 -  All the art, 3d model, music and scripts used in this game were produced by:

Carlos Matheus Barros da Silva - https://github.com/CarlosMathe...

Francisco Matheus Moreira de Castro - https://github.com/chicomcastr...

Luiz Henrique Aguiar de Lima Alves - https://github.com/HikkusT

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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