Overheat (itch) (GoatHG)
WASD to move
E to use coolant (if you have any)
Space to shoot
Left mouse click buttons!
Your planet is being invaded by space ships! All you have is an old beat up mech to defend your home. Be careful, if you move too much without cooling down, you'll overheat and explode!
Created, Programmed, & Design - George C.
Art Assets - Skorpio ( https://opengameart.org/users/skorpio)
Known Bugs / Issues:
UI (Fullscreen UI issues)
Movement Not Constrained
ROF UI bug when ROF = 0.0 (due to float imprecision, not clamped)
Version History:
1.0 Initial Submission.
1.1 Fixed issue with 1.0 where it wasn't loading correctly.
1.2 Fixed UI Issue (but you have to play in window, no full screen)
1.3 Rebalanced enemy ship health and shop prices
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Jan 14, 2022
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