Oversight (CuttleLich)
Just south of the Macon county line, an innocuous rest stop hums and waits. Wayward travelers are drawn to it for reasons they never fully understand. Take warning - the Oversight Motel offers anything but rest.
This is a personal "Haunted PS1" style-project I've been developing solo for about two months. Depending on reception, I may expand this to a full title, but for now, it's just a free demo.
Please enjoy your stay.
WASD / Left Stick => Movement
Mouse / Right Stick => Look
Left Click / Right Trigger => Fire
Right Click / Left Trigger => Aim
R / Right Shoulder => Reload
E / Left Face Button => Interact (👁️ or 🚪 icons)
F / Bottom Face Button => Toggle Flashlight
Esc / Start Button => Pause
Game Design by Josh Wade
Voice Talent by Caroline Hull
Music by Wires
Ambience provided by Noises.Online under a CC 3.0 BY license.
SFX provided by fesliyanstudios
PSXFX provided by Marcis
Character Models provided by Renderpeople
Monoton font provided by Google
One Forty Seven font provided by Matthew Welch
PSX Style Cars provided by GGBot
Shotgun Model provided by cemckrc
Created in Unreal Engine 4.25