Slap your way through the famous swiss city Zurich in the fashion of an old-school hack and slash game. This side scroller with multiple bosses and 2 different endings includes an interactive story with romance, drama, betrayal and a twist you won't see coming.
Palmada del Inferno was conceptualized as part of a student project (Production Days) at the Zurich University of Arts (ZHdK) . Our task was to create a game that have the mechanics of a hack and slash game and combine it with telenovelas, esotherics and the city Zurich
It was made in 4 days with a team of 14 students.
Milena Shields
Sebastian Burckhardt
Coding Lead
Luca Imesch
Coding Team
Martin Hodler
Robin Good
Gameplay / Level Design
Pietro Peduzzi
Aylin Acikel
Art Lead
Rahel Gamma
Art Team
Michael Kämpfer
Dominic Hartmann
Agata Tselesh
Aiden Khuiphum
Sound Design
Andi Bissig
Narrative Design
Noe Arnold