Peka in Space
This is Shoot 'em up (Shmup) type of game. You are in space ship controlling it by arrow keys and trying to kill all the enemies. Meanwhile some killed enemies drop items, you can pick up to upgrade your weapon (bullets) or to get shield or additional hearts. Take a look at the Achievement page and see if you can fulfill all of them.
Can you reach wave 100 and unlock golden skin?
rulesTry to hit as many enemies as possible. Every 10th wave enemies become stronger.
Every next bullet/weapon is stronger. If you get hit, you will loose current weapon and will get next weaker weapon.
If you will collect shield, you will get protection for some time.
You can get three golden stars - one is if you will find and kill secret boss, another two you will get if you will fulfill achievement No9 and No10.
Game has infinite waves, there is no end (maybe it should be?). Games saves you best result.
Who is Peka? We had a cat who died this year and we believe that its spirit is now in astral plane capable of joining our game and fly space ship and destroy some bad enemies.
infoSecret Boss sprite was generated by AI system DALL-E 2.
This game was developed thanks to Lazy Devs Academy and especially thanks to Christian tutorials on YouTube about Making Shmup game: