Penguin Wars (itch)

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Kyle Huynh
Alex Humphries
Hao Duong
Vincent Allen
Winston Palace
Judah Wyllie (Cosmosys)

Penguin go brrrrrrrrr
WASD - camera

left mouse - select unit, spawn unit, buy land

right mouse - move selected unit


  1. Each player has a King unit
    1. King units cannot be purchased
    2. If the King unit dies, that player looses
  2. Land is organized into hex-cells
  3. Each player gets a turn where they can place/move units and claim land
  4. When a player is finished with their turn, they can hit the "end turn" button, in which the next player will proceed with their turn
  5. Each turn is a maximum of 60 seconds
  6. There is a maximum of 30 turns
  7. Fish is the currency used to purchase land and units
  8. Each player starts with 50 fish as currency
  9. Costs:
    1. Land costs 10 fish
    2. Fighting units cost 5 fish
    3. Fishermen costs 10 fish
  10. Units can only be spawned on claimed land
    1. If the land is owned by another player, or in unclaimed, then you cannot spawn a unit there
  11. A player earns +10 fish for every fishermen they have on the board for every turn
    1. This means you earn 10 * the number of fishermen you own every turn
  12. Players can stack fighting units together on to a single hex-tile to make a stronger army of fighting units
  13. If a player attacks an enemy fighting unit, the winner is decided by who has the larger attacking or defending army of units
  14. A player wins when they have the only king alive
    1. If there are still multiple kings alive by the last round (round 0) then the winner is the player with the most units total, including fishermen and fighter units
  15. Players can attack the enemy king with their fighting units
    1. Only one fighting unit is needed to take down an enemy king
  16. After 20 rounds, the hex-cells towards the edge of the map begin to melt
    1. If a hex-cell melts, then any units on top of the melted hex cell dies
    2. Hex-cells will continue to melt until the last round, until there are no more hex-cells, or until someone wins.
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Aug 16, 2021

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