Pipe Dream (itch) (Chris Cardimen)
You are a raindrop, lost in the sewers after a storm.
With the knowledge passed down from other lost raindrops, you must use your water abilities to solve puzzles and alter the environment to access new areas.
Move water through tunnels to open doors and reveal mechanical walkways, while managing your limited resource of clean water to escape the sewers!
This game was developed by Christopher Antrim, Chirstopher Cardimen, Daniel Skolnick, and Yuchen Zhang, at Michigan State University, for MI445.
- Chris Cardimen: Programming, Level Design
- Daniel Skolnick: Level Design, Programming
- Yuchen Zhang: Art, Animation
- Chris Antrim: UI, Sound Design
Evaluation Criteria:
- Playability/Fun Factor: 35%
- Innovations/Technical Merit: 30%
- Aesthetics/Polish: 35%