Planetary (kianweimer)
- Helpful Tip: Progression
- Helpful Tip: The Map
This game was created as a college project at the University of Iowa for the course Topics in Computer Science, taught by Professor Szecsei. Kian Weimer, Rys Huehnergarth, and Jeff Gordon were the main contributors. We have posted it here in hopes that others would be able to view our game and give feedback, all is appreciated! A lot of work was put into this during the past semester, hopefully, others can have some fun with our game.
We received a free lock image from a website, its quite nice, this is the message that they requested we put: Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.comWhile we created our own music, we used sound effects from external sources, here are the sources:
Sound: Laser_Shoot.wav (270536__littlerobotsoundfactory__laser-09) (April 15th, 2015); Created by: LittleRobotSoundFactory([email protected]). This work is licensed under the Attribution License.
Sound: Thrust.wav (158894__primeval-polypod__rocket-launch) (June 19th, 2012); Created by: primeval_polypod. This work is licensed under the Attribution License.
Sound: planetExplosion1.wav, planetExplosion2.wav, planetExplosion3.wav, pickUp.wav, bulletExplosion.wav, questCompleted.wav, playerExplosion.wav Sound effects obtained from