Poncho Vs Cap
Poncho Versus Cap is a 2-players crowd simulator where you have to sell more cap or poncho to tourists than the other player.
After some time walking around, the sun or the rain begin to bother tourists: the indicator above its head turns to the designated color.
Then each player can get close to the target and sell the corresponding object (-sell-).
Once the object is sold, tourists is converted and keep its alignement until the end.
Grab and launch a tourist with -grab-. If a converted tourist collides with a non-converted one, it changes the object of its desire.
Praise the sun or the rain by pressing -praise-, so non-converted tourists will have a higher probability to be bothered by the sun or the rain.
Push dense crowd by using -push-.
All tourist are willing to buy a cap or a poncho (60% probability) but will not talk to you for a while if refused already once.
Have fun !