Average Playtime: 1 hour

Pox Nora

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Pox Nora is an online, collectible, turn-based strategy game. Players can take their deck of Runes (cards) and go on an adventure in the many single player campaigns, skirmish against the AI, or battle against other players in player vs player matches. Public decks are available to unlock with gold or by playing the faction walkthrough campaigns. If you like Pox Nora, you can expand your deck options by purchasing additional rune packs that will give you access to more Champions, Spells, Relics and Equipment.

Key Features
  • Completely free to play with additional content available for purchase
  • Wage war against opponents through exciting player vs. player gameplay
  • Adventure with iconic characters in single player story campaigns
  • Play the game with Public Decks you can unlock with gold and by playing the game
  • Build decks from 8 unique factions through full or split faction play
  • Build your collection of runes over time and customize your decks with the Rune Manager
  • Trade runes with the community or build them with the Rune Forge
  • Join in draft tournaments to win prizes
  • Save up and spend virtual gold that you earn by playing the game to get additional characters and more in the Marketplace

    To find out more visit the Pox Nora website http://www.poxnora.com/info/features.do
Release date
Desert Owl Games
Desert Owl Games
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for macOS

OS: Mac OS X 10.8+
Processor: 2.4 GHz CPU or greater
Memory: 1 GB of RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA or ATI Video Card with 512 MB of video ram, with current video drivers
Storage: 2 GB available space

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for PC

OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 (64-bit)
Processor: 2.4 GHz CPU or greater
Memory: 1 GB of RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA or ATI Video Card with 512 MB of video ram, with current video drivers
Storage: 2 GB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Oct 7, 2024

Where to buy

PlayStation Store

Top contributors


1 edit
PoxNora Gameplay - First Look HD
Aug 2, 2010
Pox Nora - Release Date Announcement Trailer | PS4
May 10, 2017
Pox Nora - E3 Trailer | PS4, PS Vita
Jun 15, 2016
Pox Nora - Launch Trailer | PS4
May 23, 2017
PoxNora How To Play Tutorial
Aug 30, 2012
PoxNora [PS4] - First Look
May 26, 2017
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28,371 items
Known for2
Why Am I Wet?
Win a Ranked Game with a Forglar Swamp deck
Holding Strong
Win a Ranked Game with a Ironfist Stronghold deck
I am Legendary!
Win a Ranked Game with a Legendary rune in the deck
Nefarious Purpose
Win a Ranked Game with a Underdepths deck
Reaching for the Top
Reach Limited League in either the 1v1 or 2v2 Ladders
view all achievements
27 items

Pox Nora reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
TL; DR Poxnora got me through a tough time in the hospitable after my brain aneurism, DOG has Improved the game a CRAZY amount when it comes too rune avalability, If you get bored try using your imagination to make the game come to life. The reason I'm writing this is two-fold. One to show some love for this game and the power it has. Second, I want to make myself a bit more known, because I plan to stay with this game for a long time, as long as it keeps becoming better as it has been under DOG. I started this game around "Path to Conquest" and "Grimlics Descent". I came from a game called "Think Tanks" which I found on miniclip. In that game I was in a guild called Vigilant Tanks thus the VT in my name (which i would love removed). I am 19 now which means I was around 10-12 when I started the game. And found Poxnora magical. I would make fantasy battles in my head between Euan and his armies and Grimlic and the underdepths demons. I would watch games much more than play (as I do now) because I did not have any runes and no way of getting any w/o a credit card. However ,I would wreck players on training grounds with the old IS bg, which had 2 griffin riders, priest of valdac, groble, battle rager... ect. People would hit my physical immune groble rockeater. And it was glorious. At one point I got bored of playing that bg and the other premade bg's and changed to play World of Warcraft for the first 2.5 expansions. But I would always bounce back to Poxnora for a month or so before going back to WOW. At one point I got so addicted to WOW that my mom gave me a time cap to only play for an hour a day... And who plays WOW for an hour a day. So in no time I went back to Pox . After a few months of playing I got a bit more confident and joined [USER=370]@Thbigchief[/user] old guild "Merc" I got a few runes but not many untill I met [USER=2312]@uyht[/user] he being a very generous man gave me a whole sand bg. Then moga bg. Then tree bg. I would just trade in the runes he had given me and he would give me back a new bg to play with. I finally got my mom to buy me a box for an "online game" and got a ranger elite, which was brand new. I traded it in for 2 g'hern tyrants (because I watched hashinshin) which was a big loss to say the least. But sharks will be sharks. ( at the time I thought all exos have the same value. Because of this incident I to this day write this in each of my trades). "If you really need a rune, I can give it to you like that, but I'll keep a tab. IMPORTANT TO NEW PLAYERS: If you are trading with someone you should first check that your trade is not losing you too much net value. Not all exos have the same worth! The best way to check if you are doing a favorable trade is by going on Poxbox.net If you are confused, you can pm me for questions or ask if the trade you are looking to do is favorable. (note: losing up to 30% value is normal because people are greedy SOB's) (Spread the word to other new players!) :D Try to help other people in this game. " Now at the age of 13-14 I got a brain aneurism. And THIS GAME is what got me through those scary 2 weeks in the hospital. For whatever reason I would hate being alone, and once my mom would leave at night to get some much needed sleep I would start to cry, childish I know but my mind was ♥♥♥♥ed up. But then I would start thinking of Fiorn and Juya and Valdac, which had been released just before I got my aneurism. I would imagine them fighting for the Poxnora Factions, just as I had when I was 10-11 and it let the nights go by much much easier. After moving to Berlin I started LOL and would every few months come back to see how the game is doing. This was the SOE erra and I happily missed most of it because of LOL. Now that DOG has taken the game back ive been playing more than ever and that is because this game is still magical. I have happily made 7 good bg's because of solitary garu farming + the forge. To me that is amazing, the ease at which I can make a bg because I remember how hard it was to make one. So [USER=42]@Sokolov[/user] [USER=3]@Senshu[/user] @the poxnora team thank you for making and maintaining this amazing game. It brought me through a hard time in my life and I appreciate everything you have done. And to the rest of the pox community, if you ever become bored of the game, leave it for a expansion or two and when you do come back just think how fantastic Poxnora really is. Just use your imagination and immerse yourself in the game. Thank you. Gnomes.
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