Radiant Story

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Radiant Story is one of the newest massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) created in Brazil. In an MMORPG people from all over the world meet on a virtual playground to explore areas, solve tricky riddles and undertake heroic exploits.

Story Act I

After the dark days of the Twelve Demons, the world remained peaceful. The mysterious hero thrived as the leader of his own house of warriors, where all the greatest fighters gathered to join. The hero became known as the greatest fighter of all time, and the people labeled him. The Great Dragon. For twenty years, the people of the land knew true peace as The Great Dragon upheld justice and fairness throughout the land. It was even foretold that as long as The Great Dragon lived, the people of the land would experience no danger.

But on a sad and twisted day, The Great Dragon was found dead with evidence of murder pointing towards someone within his house. Ironically, the alleged murderer was no warrior or fighter;… it was his wife.

It is rumored, however, that upon discovering The Great Dragon, members of the house found his wife cradling his dead body repeatedly whispering, “They’re back….the Twelve of them have returned….”.

Upon hearing about the death of their hero, the people of the land were shocked and outraged. Panic spread across the land as they questioned each other. What of the prophecy? Will there be grave danger now that our hero has died? What exactly was the wife referring to when she mentioned, “the Twelve of them”? Could it be that the Twelve Demons have returned? Who will save us from them if they have?

Fear and apprehension spread like wildfire across the land as news of The Great Dragon’s death spread. Uncertainty reigned supreme in everyone’s heart. If the Twelve Dragons have truly returned from their graves, all of heaven and earth would be in grave danger, unless a new hero was to present himself….


1. Day/Night
2. Right Click Menu on Player enables [Trade, Guild and Party]
3. Moving Panoramas
4. 3 Characters per account
5. Quest System – now have quest log and everything to track your quests.
6. Guilds – Everyone can create his own guild and then change guild color, MOTD (message of the day) and other settings. You can talk in Guild with setting chat channel to Guild.
7. Showing item names on ground – When you are holding TAB key item names on ground are showed
8. Woodcutting, Mining, Fishing, Crafting and Alchemy.
9. Random stat gains/losses to items – On pickup, items gain a random prefix, and suffix and randomly shifts the stats of that item like attack bonus or damage or speed. It may increase some stats, decrease others, or have other (un)wanted or (un)helpful effects.
10.Style slash system, that will display sword slash when player attacks.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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