Navigate your way from planet to planet with rocket jumps, as you blast other astronauts with either rockets, scatter gun shots, jet engine flames, or slice them up with a space cleaver. Rocketnauts is a local multiplayer game designed for 1 to 4 players. Verse your friends, or verse the AI in a fight to see who outlasts the other.
Each weapon in Rocketnauts is designed to have a different navigation style. The rocket launcher uses rocket jumps, the scatter gun uses its recoil to propel you, the jet engine gives a steady thrust, and the space cleaver lunges you forward toward your opponents.
* Local Multiplayer
* Up to 4 players
* Note: While the game can use mouse controls, a game pad is preferred (and needed if you want to play local multiplayer with friends).
Game Modes
Quick Match:
Starts all players with 3 lives.
All players have a rocket launcher.
Weapon pickups will be available.
Custom Match:
Set the amount of lives each Rocketnaut has.
Set the main weapon of each Rocketnaut.
Set whether weapon pickups will spawn or not.
Mouse Controls:
Move Mouse: Aim Rocket Launcher / Move Rocketnaut
Left Mouse Button: Fire Rockets
Gamepad Controls:
Left Thumbstick: Aim Rocket Launcher / Move Rocketnaut
A / X button (Depending on Gamepad): Fire Rockets
Gameplay Video
Music by: Robson Cozendey -
Additions to v0.22:
Added explosive barrels
Added mouse control for the main menu and pause screen
Changed the weapon art