Rogue Robs Trains
"Rogue Robs Trains" is simple roguelike made in 7 days for 7DRL2019 game jam.
Game is made with use of RAWIG roguelike template (, and uses BearLibTerminal (display-focused library made by Cfyz) and Deferral-Square font (made by Brian Bruggeman).
In "Rogue Robs Trains" player is bandit that boarded train transport of gold. You must kill everyone and stop train.
The core of the game is ranged combat mechanics. Two important factors are distance from target (rifles are most efficient on long (>20 tiles) range, revolvers on medium (>10 and <= 20 tiles) range.
Additionally, player has to remember that some weapons needs to be cocked before every shot, and sometimes reloading takes much more time than expected...
System requirements for PC
System requirements for Linux
Last Modified: Mar 11, 2019
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