Rural SFX
Here's some rural SFX for your games! All sounds are 1 minute long, and mixed/mastered to sound as nice as possible. Each file is labelled with the effect that it is intended to evoke - I've tried to label these ones with a time of day, or the creatures/locations that form the parts of the recordings, such as dawn/dusk, forest/hill/jungle/estuary, or insects/birds.
If you are using these SFX for non-commercial purposes, then you are welcome to use them as you see fit. Feel free to alter the sounds in any way you like. You may credit the original SFX or any derivation to “Paul Timings”, or link to this page if you like, but if not, no worries!
If you are using these SFX for commercial purposes, then please credit “Paul Timings” in your work as a contributor to the sound content, along with a link to this page. I’d also ask that you please consider paying what you think the SFX are worth in relation to the returns from your commercial project.