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Samurai Gunn

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Samurai Gunn is a lightning-fast Bushido brawler for two to four players. Each samurai is armed with a sword and gun, with only 3 bullets to a life. Discipline and quick reflexes are the key to deflecting bullets and sending your opponents’ heads rolling.
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Age rating
Not rated
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System requirements for macOS

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Storage: 201 MB available space
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Last Modified: Sep 10, 2024

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Samurai Gunn reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Even if the game does not present any flaws in gameplay, it sulfur from a finish to the trowel:-I have never seen the pixel art as ugly (for the characters essentially the rest is passable)-no IA in versus mode-finally the height: impossible to play the m and keyboard at the same time!!! a shame! especially at 4... If at least there was a LAN mode. The (or the devs) are stingy in content and finish: like what big productions are not necessarily the worst we sell here a game that is worth €1.50 to €13 simply: a shame... ask me a copy rather than you ruin I will make a joy to send it to you (I consider here that I pay the price for at least 8 copies) you have to stop selling flayed games!!!
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Microsoft from French
Three actions. Jump, shoot, slice. A small panel of displacement enough to stick in an 8-bit arena, up to 4 fighters. So simple and yet so effective. Samurai Gunn reminds you of those little Flash games you play when you were still kids, with your neighbor on the family PC, but this time with the indie game quality at the rendezvous. The game takes its interest in its multiplayer aspect, it will be able to occupy your evenings with friends, all people confused, in view of its easy to grasp. It may be an expensive hair for a two-mode game (survival, versus), finding its interest only when one is to many. But it is a purchase of one time, which we do not regret. Let's revive the flame of the local multiplayer game, with a Pearl like Samurai Gunn.
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Microsoft from French
Stay for me the best couch game as such. It is very accessible at the level of the gameplay and provides sensations very quickly, which allows a person who has never played this game, to take some pleasure. It is essential that a game has this quality when you invite people to your home. Towerfall ascent is much more accomplished in its mechanics (gameplay & parameterisation of the parts), not to mention the extension that allows to add maps, but when you invite a beginner, it will have a lot of difficulty to fill the difference of level and will take quite little pleasure in "try hard", with in addition no guarantee that she managed to master a little his character. The only downside is that a level editor would have allowed to be less frustrated that this game is no longer being tracked.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
So, here's a Summary: For 15 Euros ok ... Basically, it's worth it, but only if you have "Local Friends." A little more Content and the 15 Euros would be super! So, as I said ... The Single Player is very heavy because of the sometimes abnormal Bots ... With Friends, however, this is a lot Of fun, which can fill whole Evenings. (Insofar As your Rabies dance for Frustration and Despair is high xD) Any case one Of the Easy to learn, Hard to Master-games. Beautiful Pixel Style that also goes well with the Game. (Video 9/10) Music also fits great, but the Sounds sometimes get on your Nerves:D (Sound 8/10) In the Options, you can set just about anything. (Options 10/10) Liquid Style Of play, in which you have the Goal of mastering it! Only sometimes Comes across Un-liquid. (Gameplay 7/10) All in all, a Top Game! Buy!
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