Average Playtime: 5 hours

Savage Resurrection

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The rebirth of the classic action FPS / RTS hybrid "Savage 1" is here! Experience fast-paced combat and cunning strategic gameplay in glorious Unreal 4 environments. Engage in epic 16v16 front-line combat, or take Command to outplay and outmaneuver your team's way to victory.

Savage is a multiplayer-only game with a competitive focus. Combat includes both melee and shooter aspects, and should challenge even seasoned gamers. Servers are currently located in the US and EU, with more planned. Players may also host their own servers, use ours, or play offline!As a member of the fearsome Beasts or crafty Humans, you must fight to:
  • Secure strategic resources and positions
  • Craft and expand your team's buildings and structures
  • Research and acquire new weapons and items, to gain the upper hand in combat
  • Crush your opponents with mighty siege weapons, sneaky sabotage, or by strangling their economy
  • Quick-match
  • Practice mode with bots and AI commanders - fully offline or play with your party!
  • 16v16 Standard matches, with an AI Commander
  • 16v16 Advanced matches, with a human Commander
  • Competitive matches with locked rosters and no team swap
  • Custom matches on official dedicated servers, or hosted locally, or hosted by another player, or fully offline!
  • Stats and Leaderboards
  • Cosmetic Items + Steam Drops + Trading Cards
  • 5 Maps
  • Player hosted dedicated servers
Digital Deluxe Edition
Exclusive bonuses include:
  • 3 gold weapon skins
  • 3 cosmetic crate keys
  • Unique in-game vanity effect
  • Soundtrack
  • Account icon flair
  • Taunt, and Taunt Image

Our continuing development (and server hosting) is funded largely by cosmetic item purchases: there is no persistent power progression system, there are no paid upgrades or boosts. This is a competitive game: there will be no Pay2Win.
Release date
S2 Games
S2 Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit SP1
  • Processor: Core i5 2.5 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870 equivalent with 2GB VRAM
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 15 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible soundcard or onboard chipset
  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit SP1
  • Processor: Core i5 2.8 GHz
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290 equivalent with 3GB VRAM
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 15 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible soundcard or onboard chipset
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Mar 8, 2023

Where to buy

Let's Play - Savage Resurrection
Jul 14, 2016
Let's Play - Savage Resurrection Part 2
Aug 24, 2016
How Good Is Savage Resurrection?
Jun 27, 2016
Aug 3, 2019
Genre Bending RTS FPS - Savage Resurrection
Aug 21, 2016
Let's Play - Savage Resurrection Part 3
Sep 6, 2016
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TSM Kripp SAVAGE LAUNCH! http://store.steampowered.com/app/366440 HS@Midnight EDT (✿☯‿☯✿)(✿☯‿☯✿)
TSM Kripp SAVAGE SATURDAY! (✿☯‿☯✿)(✿☯‿☯✿)
TSM Kripp SAVAGE! http://store.steampowered.com/app/366440/ (✿☯‿☯✿)(✿☯‿☯✿)
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Savage Resurrection reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review Finally a remake of the glorious Savage 1! I have a lot of trust in this gifted and talented developers. Its still Early Acces but you can see that the development is constant and on a very good way. Keep it up S2!
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Microsoft from French
Product received for free early access review very good games remind me Savage, a games I play when I was a kid went out between 2007 and 2009 (I know more about the date). It's really the same gameplay:D the only problem is the optimization that and really horrible:(
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review The Game is really really good. It makes Addicts. Just started in The Live Stream, no more of it got rid of. Definitely strike. Is worth every Penny. Once you made a dramatic video. Can look in. Videos say more than Words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXpf7GEGBfE
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Microsoft from Deutsch
If you watch the Game videos and Pictures here on Steam you just THINK WOW, but in Reality the game is the Total MÜLL! Graphics is MÜLL, Gameplay is MÜLL and Handling is the purest MÜLL anyway! Poor Implementation and totally old baking! No Wonder it's FreeToPlay, I don't think I have to say any more! Game Fun, in my Opinion, equals MÜLL! Thank you and Goodbye!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Hey Fellows! We are planning to create a Game , similar to Savage 2 , in the Unreal Engine 4. We are round about 6atm , that of course is not enough , thats the reason we are searching for Guys that are experienced in Game Development related Topics. Dont hestitate to join the Savage 2 Discord : https://discord.gg/Nnnmsy and make youreself noticeable - especially if you are a Programmer or 3D-Artist. See you.
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Microsoft from French
Okay, the sequel to the old savage. Nothing really changed about the interest of the game. Because a final one is in the end. We have a very limited RTS and a repetitive FPS. We go in the pile, we die, we start again. Skill doesn't change much. As long as to do in originality it would have had to go much farther and not settle for a Warcraft in 3D. I mean, I don't know, my little brain has not been stimulated at all.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I have spent 4 Hours with the Game at the Moment. Clearly that's not much, but for my first Impression it's perfectly enough. After playing yourself a bit, the Game is much easier and no longer seems so complicated (at least with me). You can gamble the Game super with Friends and if the Developers expand it a bit more, it makes strategy games like Starcraft 2 or C & C great and good Competition. Since it is free I would recommend it to anyone who likes to play fantasy games and to everyone else I would give the Tip to let yourself get into the Game Prince. 9/10 Points
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