Security Hound
A game for the GMTK (Gamemaker's Toolkit) Game Jam 2020.
The theme was "Out Of Control", so my sister and I decided to create a game about herding cat burglars out of a museum they're trying to rob.
v1.0 - Early build of the game. There's one cat burglar, and it features all the base mechanics of the game. It is complete-able, with a win or lose state. Controllable character, and menu that lets you replay the level or quit.
(If the cat manages to steal the item, I haven't yet given you a way of getting the item back).
(The cat also refuses to acknowledge that colliders exist).
v2.0 - Now featuring more art assets and TWO cat burglars (who still don't believe colliders exist). They will "scope out" the museum, before heading for their expensive target and trying to make off with it.
It's a bit broken because once a cat reaches their target, there's no way to really stop them after that.
Also the replay feature breaks a little. If the cat/s manage to make off with their loot and you press replay, then the cats will not function properly when the game restarts.
A W S D or Arrow keys to control Security Hound. Go near the cat to push it away while it sneaks around the museum, and try to push it towards the main exit.
You can press ESC to bring up a menu.