ShooterGame (Crusher17)

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This is a survival shooter game where you have to kill zombies and survive as long as you can. This game includes features like.

  • Fully custom enemy AI with the help of unreal behavior trees and blackboard classes.
  • Various buffs like Jump,  Heal,  RapidFire,  Lightning Speed.
  • Other classes like unreal interface , custom enemy AI controller are used.
  • Different weapon classes like Assault Rifles,  Grenade Launcher,  RocketLauncher,  Sniper Rifles,  SMG , Pistols.
  • This Game also includes Supply drop system which can drop anywhere on map .
  • Supply drops gets you weapons,  ammo,  buff pickups.
  • Various types of zombies like Mutant ,  Parasite,  Warzombie,  Normiezombie.
  • Multiple zombies include different health and damage rate.
  • Custom HUD class in which all user widget classes exist in form of TSubclassOf.
  • Fully animated character with turn in animations and crouching behavior.
  • Game can count your current kills and ammo in weapons.
  • Fully customised animations provide better results in smooth turning in place and crouch turning in place animations.
  • Animations are taken from lyraStarterGame template which is UE5 template project.
  • Advance options and pause menu with various changable settings like Anti-Aliasing, Post-Processing, Sensitivity, Shadows etc.
  • Includes the use of various animation properties and functions like FABRIK, Rotate Root Bone, Blend Between Poses, Layered Blend etc.
Source code :-
  • This game is fully coded in c++ with the use of Object Oriented Programming.
  • In this Shootergame I prefered to first create basic class which is parent to several child classes.
  • All the game code can be accessible via my Github(Crusher90).
  • Some small chunk of code was done in blueprints itself.
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Oct 14, 2022

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