Silent Hill: Downpour

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The survival horror experience begins after a prison transport vehicle careens off the road, leaving lone inmate Murphy Pendleton stranded in Silent Hill. Gamers will encounter mind-bending puzzles, as well as horrific creatures and other world terrors using everyday objects from wooden chairs to glass bottles to fend off their enemies. The natural response, fight or flight is left to the player as they unravel a dark, thought-provoking storyline which will appeal to fans of the early, classic Silent Hill series, as well as anyone who enjoys a deep, psychological horror experience. In addition to the main storyline, players will also be presented with variable side quests along the way that can change depending on their play style, revealing unknown evils within the town.

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for PlayStation 3

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Last Modified: Mar 19, 2025

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Silent Hill: Downpour reviews and comments

I'm a big fan of the Silent Hill saga, and it pains me not to approve of this title. But it has a large number of bugs that cannot be ignored. That said, let's start with the negative points ...

• It has serious performance problems and notable bugs (at least in the PS3 version): Excessive loading times, continuous drops in FPS and stops, game elements that take time to load, etc ...
• The graphics are inferior to other titles that use the same engine… I even think that the previous installment (Silent Hill Homecoming) looked better…
• It has too many useless or poorly executed elements. I will mention some:

One of the big problems of this delivery ... It is lousy and with useless mechanics. It is not an excuse that the Silent Hill fights have always been rough, since, in previous installments, you could have the situation controlled. In this case, no, because it is poorly done:
• Throwing melee weapons is somewhat unproductive. You can't aim when doing it, so you can easily miss and run out of your gun. I doubt any player will use that feature.
• Aiming with firearms is also useless, because the pointseems to be out of unsync with the shot, so failing is logical. It is better to shoot without aiming, which makes aiming ineffective.
• Controls are strange. Running with the R1?  
• Murphy's movements are slow and rough, unlike enemies. This slowness makes it feel like the character is not responding well to controls.

• Side missions are bland and unmotivating. They do not contribute anything. They are only worth doing if you want to achieve them ...  Read the notes and move around the protagonist's diary, it is annoying and uncomfortable.
• Inventory management is extremely slow.
• It is only allowed to have a single melee weapon, so you must change between the ones you find. And personally it's something I don't like. I constantly see “Collect” on the screen, and then it turns out that it was a weapon that I don't want to take. Furthermore, these weapons break ... Sometimes, you have to break parts of the environment with a certain weapon and you have to go find it.
• The designs of the enemies are very generic: They look like sick and dirty people with a devilish smile.

Although not Akira Yamaoka, the soundtrack work is fine.

The story is neither memorable nor too good. I could summarize it for you in 10 seconds. However, it is not terrible. It is one of their strengths.

Despite the game having many technical and gameplay issues (which is why I can't approve it), the experience it gives you is not terrible. The truth is that it can entertain you, and if you are a fan of Silent Hill, and survival horror, I recommend it. I think I will not play it again (unlike the originals).

Although it is one of the worst, I think it does deserve to have the title of Silent Hill.

Final note:
4 of 10

Soy gran fan de la saga Silent Hill, y me duele no aprobar este título. Pero tiene una gran cantidad de fallos que no pueden ser omitidos. Dicho pues, empecemos por los puntos negativos…

• Tiene serios problemas de rendimiento y bugs notables (al menos en la versión de PS3): Tiempos de carga excesivos, continuos bajones de FPS y parones, elementos del juego que tardan en cargar, etc…
• Los gráficos son inferiores a otros títulos que usan el mismo motor… Incluso creo que la anterior entrega (Silent Hill Homecoming) se veía mejor…
• Tiene demasiados elementos inútiles o mal ejecutados. Voy a mencionar algunos:

Uno de los grandes problemas de esta entrega… Es pésimo y con mecánicas inútiles. No es excusa que los combates de Silent Hill siempre hayan sido toscos, ya que, en las entregas anteriores podías tener la situación controlada. En este caso, no, porque está mal hecho:
• Lanzar las armas cuerpo a cuerpo es algo improductivo. No tienes una mira al hacerlo, por lo que, puedes fallar fácilmente y quedarte sin tu arma. Dudo que algún jugador use esa función.  
• Apuntar con armas de fuego también es inútil, porque la mira parece estar desincronizada con el disparo, por lo que fallar es algo lógico. Es mejor disparar sin apuntar, lo que convierte al apuntado en algo ineficaz.  
• Los controles son extraños. ¿Correr con el R1?  
• Los movimientos de Murphy son lentos y toscos, a diferencia de los enemigos. Esta lentitud hace que se sienta como si el personaje no respondiera bien a los controles.

• Las misiones secundarias son insulsas y poco motivadoras. No aportan nada. Solo merece la pena hacerlas si quieres conseguir los logros…
• Leer las notas y moverte por el diario del protagonista, es molesto e incómodo.
• El manejo del inventario es extremadamente lento.  
• Solo se permite tener una única arma cuerpo a cuerpo, por lo que debes ir cambiando entre las que te encuentres. Y personalmente es algo que no me gusta. Constantemente veo en pantalla “Recoger”, y luego resulta que era un arma la cual no quiero tomar. Además, dichas armas se rompen... A veces, tienes que romper partes del entorno con un arma determinada y te toca ir a buscarla.  
• Los diseños de los enemigos son muy genéricos: Parece gente enferma y sucia con una diabólica sonrisa.

Aunque no es Akira Yamaoka, el trabajo de la banda sonora está muy bien.

La historia no es memorable ni demasiado buena. Te la podría resumir en 10 segundos. Sin embargo, no es pésima. Es uno de sus puntos fuertes.

A pesar de que el juego tiene muchos problemas técnicos y de jugabilidad (por eso no puedo aprobarlo), la experiencia que te otorga no es terrible. La verdad es que puede entretenerte, y si eres fan de Silent Hill, y los survival horror, te lo recomiendo. Creo que no lo volveré a jugar (a diferencia de los originales).

Aunque sea de los peores, creo que sí merece tener el título de Silent Hill.

Nota final:
4 de 10
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