Average Playtime: 9 hours

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

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Dishonored: Death of the Outsider is an expansion of Dishonored 2 and a spin-off of the main Dishonored series.


The game is set in the alternate universe that goes through its steampunk phase. It takes place in the fictional Empire inspired by the XIX-century England. The plot picks up where Dishonored 2 left it. The game follows the adventures of the previous games' villains: Billie Lurk, the captain of a sailing ship, and Daud, the assassin and the leader of The Whalers gang. They search for Outsider, an extradimensional creature from the world known as the Void who can give people supernatural abilities, and are going to kill him. Their story is intertwined with the larger events in the Empire, such as the reinstallment of the Empress, the faction rivalry and the Void influence on the world. The plot is non-linear and features multiple endings.


The player controls Billie Lurk from the first person view. Like its predecessors, Death of the Outsider emphasizes stealth and surprise attacks. Billie wields a dagger and eventually receives superhuman powers, such as teleportation and disguise. The expansion allows the unusually free use of these abilities. The player doesn't have to unlock them, they become available early at the game, and the energy they require regenerates automatically over time. Besides the main plot, the player can also accept side quests.

Release date
Bethesda Softworks
Arkane Studios
Bethesda Softworks
Age rating
17+ Mature
Other games in the series

System requirements for PlayStation 4

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Last Modified: Mar 1, 2025

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Epic Games
PlayStation Store
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        Dishonored: Death of the Outsider reviews and comments

        If you're into the Dishonored franchise, this version will not disappoint you. Gameplay, stealth, sound effects, all providing the authentic Dishonored experience.
        However, I would not call it exceptional because of two reasons:
        1. Mediocre ending. There should be more substance in the end, this was somewhat a disappointing aspect of the game.
        2. Still no option to sell items for money or craft them. The bone charms also did not see any new improvement over the past.
        Still, a very much likeable game.
        Second playthrough and I gotta say this is probably the weakest Dishonored. Way more linear, way more limited powers, side-missions (contracts in this game) not only reward too little too late, but feel like an afterthought. An example: in the first mission, two contracts have you go to the same location, pick up one person, and leave out of the one exit in the building, both times through a room full of people with no other way around. It just feels so poorly designed. And a third contract takes you to the same general location even, though at least you don't have to enter the same building.

        The missions themselves are fine enough, though the powers make them feel a bit more linear than the other entries and the focus on bone charms was kind of a flop so playthroughs end up feeling very samey. And the last mission throws Envisioned at you which are a difficulty spike (though their insta-kill makes that even kind of a stretch) for no reason other than to be a new version of the stilt walkers. Even the plot feels very disconnected from the rest of the series and almost more like fan fiction than anything else. Maybe it's on me for missing something, but Billie is back in the game, Daud is back but dying but wants to kill the Outsider but then disappears, and the Outsider is aware he's going to be killed but doesn't do anything to stop it and actually just gives Billie powers without the mark? Huh? This game is absolutely saved by the underlying Dishonored mechanics but it really shows its cracks. Better off just doing a different run of Dishonored 2.
        This one lost its appeal for me probably due to fatigue. It’s very similar and still enjoyable but not nearly as enjoyable as the second, and I enjoyed the first more as well because it was new. 

        Final Score: B+
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        Microsoft from Deutsch
        After a little more than 10 Hours, I have seen the Outsider die. As a big Fan of the Series, this Standalone DLC was one of the most eagerly awaited Games at the End of the Year for me-especially Part 2 has now become one of my All-time favourites. Accordingly, my Expectations for the Game were also high. How good is Death of the Outsider? Pretty good when you take it all together. The Levels invite you to explore Extensively once again and there are Tons of Things to discover. The new magical Powers of Billie Lurke are really cool and give interesting Ways to solve the big and big Problems. The Missions themselves are also varied and as far as I can tell after the first Run in Semi-Stealth, they give more than enough Solutions to experiment around. Also great are the Orders from the Black Market, which reveal much about the World of Dishonored and its Inhabitants. Some of them are really tricky too-on the first Run I didn't meet everyone, which totally annoys me (in the good Way, because that needs to be made up!) Of course, it is particularly gratifying that another release debacle did not take place and the Game is going well and still looks great. Overall, however, for my Terms, the Game just doesn't run as smoothly and as exciting as Part 1 and Part 2. Billie's teleport ability, for Example, I find strangely hakely and imprecise compared to Corvo's Teleport or Emily'S Reach-often enough I've landed alongside the targeted Lead. There are also no real offensive Magic to just create a little Mess with. The Dishonored Series has never been Captivated by me through the Story alone, but in DoTo the Motivations and Motivations of the individual Characters were really a bit immature. In fact, the Dialogues hardly go beyond what is said in the Trailers. I really can't say too much negative about the Game-it plays out like a Dishonored, gives the Freedoms like a Dishonored and has this cool, cryptic and somewhat dirty atmosphere like a Dishonored One. But at the same time, this is also Part of the Limitation: While Part 2 trumps the Original in terms of Level design and Possibilities in virtually all Points on paper, this DLC (understandably) does not manage to do so. If you're Interested in the Series and you might not know any or only the first Part, you should buy Dishonored 2 beforehand and see how much it suits him. For Fans, I think Death of the Outsider offers another welcome Trip that, while not reaching out to the terrific Main Games, can still come up enough to thrill. Those who want to sniff dishonored Air should be aware that "Death" is more of a DLC in length, too. Generally, I recommend everyone to buy all The parts plus DLCs of this grandiose series from Arkane Studios anyway, because the Games are just insanely imaginative, well playable and pleasantly different from most AAA Games on the Market. I hope it wasn't the last Detour into the World of magical Assassins. Should there be a Dishonored 3, "Death" has done everything I can to pack the Folding blade and pull it off without Shrugging the batting.
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