SINC-R stands for SINC-R Is Not a Cyberpunk Racer, it's a Synthwave racer designed and made for The Extra Credits Game Jam 3.
This game is made using Panda3D, and I get nothing for saying that, Panda3D is just awesome.
SINC-R is a time-trial type racing game. You have limited time to get to a checkpoint and when you reach one you get some extra time and the cycle repeats. Each time you reach a checkpoint your maximum speed increases by a small amount, but you also get less and less time to complete the next part of the lap. The checkpoint are easy to spot in-game, they are red-yellow geometrical shapes forming a tunel around the track.
The map you'll be driving on is a closed loop, but it is not a circle, it's a twisted Möbius strip. The first checkpoint-gate is a triangle and if you drive long enough you will reach it again, only on the bottom side of the track (technically the track has no bottom or top surface - it's the same surface all way round).
Installation:To run the game simply unpack the archive and run the binary (.exe) file.
To run the game in full screen mode you will need to edit the provided config.ini file, just change 'fullscreen = 0' to 'fullscreen = 1' and set the appropriate resolution using the 'win-size' value
Controls:By default the game uses W-A-S-D keys, but these keys can be changed in the games Options menu. Gamepad buttons can also be used (but not analog sticks). You will also need a mouse to navigate the menu.
The two bars, visible in the top left corner, after a race starts are a speed meter (the blue one) and a timer (the red one).
The source code of this game will be made available at a later date.
P.S. Pls send moneys, running low on coffee!