When a pandemic strikes the town and threatens everyone, Ted, one of the villagers, decides that a plague doctor is needed to help cure his people. His sense of solidarity is pushed to the limit as people keep flocking to his counter to get some potions and masks. Will you be able to answer the demands? Will you rise up to the occasion and become Solidarited?!
- Press E near the shelf to take up the product
- Press Q to put it back in the shelf
- Press Q near the customer to hand him his stuff.
You can carry a maximum of 5 item at once on you, so be careful about what you take with you!
Made with unity during the Stay Safe! Game Jam. All Visual Assets and animation were made specifically for this game jam.
NOTE : It is a prototype so there is no endgame, but feel free to give us feedback and thank you for your time :)
Music taken from the Stay Safe! Library.
Visuals and animations : Etienne Lafrance and Catherine Verret.
Design and programming : Philippe Beauchemin, Maxime Galarneau and Samuel Deschenes.