Space Pebbles
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// README //
Space Pebbles is a 1 to 2 Players 2D game based on the classic arcade game Asteroids.
Why "Pebbles" ? Because it means "Cailloux" in french. I find it fun. I like fun.
- Newtonian-like physics (experience the true spaaaaaace feeling and win your astrophysics PHD at the endgame)
- Powerups and consommables
- Endless level with scaled difficulty
- 2 player gameplay on one keyboard (see CONTROLS below)
Player 1
A (or Q) - Turn Left
D - Turn Right
W (or Z) - Go forward
F - Activate Shield (consumes shield reserve)
Player 2
ENTER - Join game
Left Arrow - Turn Left
Right Arrow - Turn Right
Up Arrow - Go forward
P - Shoot
O - Activate Shield (consumes shield reserve)
Space Pebbles uses incremental difficulty. As the global score rises, the difficulty is increased
The difficulty formula works like this:
15 base Asteroids + (score/easyness). The more the score rises, the more asteroids can spawn.
Asteroids speed: 1 + (score/easyness_asteroids). The more the score rises, the more the newly created asteroids will have speed.
easyness value changes from 50 to 150 if a second player joins the game.
easyness_asteroids value is set to 50000
PowerUps can appears if the global score reaches certain values:
- Score 50: Big Shield Boost can appear. Gives +200 Shield. When global score reaches 3000, does not appear anymore.
- Score 1000: Bombs can appear. Explodes everything except players in the explosion area. Sweet for the eyes.
- Score 1500: LevelUp can appear. Each time a player collide with one of them, gain 1 level, up to a maximum of 4. Each level gives a new weapon ability.
- Score 3000: Big Shield Boost don't appear anymore, but Meteors can appear. When destroyed, they drop a small shield boost, which gives +50 Shield.
- Using GameMaker Studio 2 Engine -
- Fully created and programmed by Eloi Fromangé-Gonin -
- Based on a GameMaker Studio 2 tutorial by FriendlyCosmonaut
- Open Source sounds effects from -
- Music under Creative Commons licence by TeknoAXE -
Special thanks to my family, my friends and my girlfriend for playtesting and breaking the game <3
You guys rock ! (in space)
|| ABOUT ||
My goal with this project was to experiment with the GameMaker script language as well as integrating a smooth difficulty curve in a seemless level. The main challenge was to add the possibility of a second player joining the game whenever he.she wants and have the difficulty linked to the number of players.
Add-on of powerups help the game to last as long as the players skill can compete with the speed of the asteroids.