Average Playtime: 7 hours

Spirit of Maya

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In this game you will control little white spirit which is trying to get back his mask, who abandon him. You will face traps, bosses and another dangerous obstacles in beautiful animated world. Reflex, fast decisions and great mouse control are keys in this game. Slideshow intro videos will get you into story and won't let you leave main character lonely.Features:
- Mouse control
- 30 levels
- 3 bosses
- Shop
- 6 "slideshow" video
- 14 soundtracks
- 2 ability of the spirit
Release date
Blind Recluse
Blind Recluse
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7/8/10
  • Processor: Most 32/64 bit processors
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX or OpenGL Compatible Video card
  • Storage: 250 MB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Spirit of Maya reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
I Write as there are no, Igra 7 of 10. RUS UA UK closed with Plusov. 1. A good Countess. 2. Optimization (HAH) 3. Muzyka (It's to repeat, no all the choral. 4. Slozhnost, and not odnotipnost. Každyj every new. 5. Choral history. The Last. Hand Drognula? Proygral. Are you Wondering? Proygral. Nekotornye mysyi Ohceni slozhnye in Naschae. I have already (at the Vremya Obzora) poigral Nepreryno 2 hours. And in my ochen lit brush hands. 24 thinking... I am dusting and for 150 rub, I write as it is, the Game 7 out of 10. UA Start with the pros. 1. Good Graphics. 2. Optimization (HAH) 3. Music (albeit repeats, but still good. 4. Complexity, not uniformity. Every time All new. 5. Good story. Cons. Hand trembled? Lost. Thinking about? Lost. Some missions are very difficult in the beginning. I have (at the time of the review) played continuously for 2 hours. And I have a very sore hand. 24 mission... I would have bought it for $3 I Write as it is, the game is 7 out of 10. I'll Start with the pros. 1. Good Graphics. 2. Optimization (HAH) 3. Music (though repeated, but still good. 4. Difficulty, and not uniformity. Every time everything is new. 5. A Good story. Cons. Hand shudtered? Lost. Pondered? Lost. Some missions are very complex at the beginning. I already (during the inspection) played continuously 2 hours. And I have a very sore brush hand. 24 mission... I would have bought for 69.51,
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
The Game was on the verge of positive evaluation, but at the very beginning has shown signs of some kind of underperformance. In visual terms, the game looks great, it forms the impression of the game, which the developers cherished and painstakingly worked (and just "guessed", mainly with the first minus mentioned below), but as soon as it comes to a specific game Component everything is controversial. What is the game gameplay can be seen directly on her page in the Steam, including the video, and I will now move to the main minus: 1. I have no complaints about the sensitivity of the mouse, but sometimes the level of sneezing has to pass anew, because The controlling spirit needs to be very neat, and each level does not forgive mistakes and death comes on the first touch of traps and even walls. And that's when you need to make a quick sharp move to fly past the fast traps, the player risks to underestimate and die, hitting the ceiling... and similar executions are all the fun of the game... The Spirit moves up together with the level, but the "sharpness" of the spirit is certainly controlled, and the speed of the level is constant and therefore the deadly touch of the wall to me is unclear, in the sense that it would be more logical to die when the Netuda fly and the walls form a deadlock, thereby Spirit "eats the bottom" (usually in games where there are levels with such mechanics and it happens). Or even make the speed level changing, or he only sometimes stops with the aim to get the key and open them some passage-all the better, as it is. _ Side cons, I would call them "non-critical." 2. After every three levels, as far as I understand, always follows the "Shop", where you can reduce the spirit, so it was easier to fly in tight places and even pump the slowdown (3 times each) for the accumulated game currency, collected by levels. Do you know what the catch is? The fact that the upgrades are so expensive that ONLY 3 visits to the store player can buy ONE UPGRADE-Understood How the creators "guessed" with this? I tried to collect the currency as much as possible, but I would be in any case would suffice only on the third in the sequence shop. 3. The description of the game on the Steam is indicated by 14 music tracks, although for 1 set of levels of 3 I heard only one. _ In General, if you look at the general picture and how Halturno do current indie games, then this is rather a good EXAMPLE, than bad, but alas, Krivoato implemented.
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