Average Playtime: 2 hours

SpyParty (2017)

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SpyParty is a competitive espionage game about human behavior, performance, perception, and deception. While most spy games have you machine-gunning stuff, blowing things up, and driving fast, SpyParty has you hide in plain sight, blend into a high-society cocktail party, deceive your opponent, and detect subtle behavioral tells to achieve your objectives and not get shot. Finally you can be like the suave and confident spies you find in films or books, risking it all by doing the final mission right in front of the sniper as the clock runs out! There are plenty of games that explore being a super-powered commando with an infinite supply of ammunition and no brains; SpyParty is a new and quite different game about the more interesting, deeper, and more subtle aspects of being a spy.

The current main gameplay mode is 1v1 Spy versus Sniper online multiplayer, although there is limited single-player Sniper play right now, and a single player Spy and Sniper practice mode for trying out missions and whatnot.

See the SpyParty Steam Discussions for an FAQ and links to more information.
Chris Hecker
John Cimino
Chris Hecker
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: OS X
  • Processor: Celeron
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD 3000
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: The MacOS build of SpyParty uses the Wineskin emulator, but it works incredibly well and a bunch of the top players use MacOS as a result!

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Processor: Celeron
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD 3000
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 300 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: I develop the game on a really ancient laptop to keep myself honest and keep the game running fast on low end hardware, so it should work on quite old computers!
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Last Modified: Jan 31, 2024

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SpyParty (2017) reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Early Access Review very good game, environments, tension, fear of being caught or intrigued to think you're missing everything. In the lower levels is not so much fun because some mechanics give a lot of singing, but after that great. You feel it's a GREAT mix between table set and PC game! As soon as the menus change and add more player modes, it will be great!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Product received for free Early Access Review Pro: Makes a lot of Fun with a friend. Outer good graphics even on the lowest settings. All you need is a PC from the 90s to enjoy the game. Many setting options to make the game more interesting. Con: No Steam Achievements. Only a Maximum of 2 people can play with each other. Slightly too expensive for my taste (£19.99would be my Price recommendation). But all in all a really very much successful game. 9/10
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Microsoft from Spain
Early Access Review The Spy, in The middle of a party, has a number of goals to fulfill to fulfill the mission. The sniper watches that party from a distance and tries to find the spy in the crowd, discarding the IA while the spy pretends to be one of them. It Has a unique way of trapping you in it the more you dig into its depth. At first everything seems very basic but the more you comment on the games with your opponent or research on your own account about every detail is becoming more and more exciting. It Gives a lot of if even you're a rookie. The concept is a jewel in itself and there are intentions to create new modes for more than two players. The "Problem" is that there is only one person developing the game and take it easy, yet the game as it is pretty solid.
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Microsoft from French
Early access review very good reflection game. It's all in the details. A great game mechanic! All in multi: 1 vs 1 with lounges! But this is not without flaws: the multiplayer menu as well as the complement to the first abort make it a difficult game to take in hand in its beginnings. Despite the many additions, the price of the game is a brake. The style of play makes it a little open product over the duration, but... Addictive, it remains extremely pleasant in moderation. Open to chalenges, the most competitive do not get tired. In front of good big games (for the same price), to be taken on sale. Far ahead of the HL2/CS/GMOD mods, there is no competition! No equivalent, so it's a game to have in his library! We regret the lack of evolution possible on this type of game, but do not judge of anything, it has potential, without extra charge! at the free to play area, it is sometimes more profitable to have a complete. The top for streaming with a friend, it has a replay Editor! Multiple observers, may be hosting there more players one day. Only in English is the Tuto that will pose problem. If you like to show your skill... I recommend! Go!
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