Star Trek 1.0
You are Captain of the starship Enterprise with a mission to seek and destroy a fleet of Klingon warships which are menacing the United Federation of Planets.
You have a specified number of stardates in which to complete your mission. You also have a few Federation Starbases for re-supplying your ship.
You will be assigned a starting position somewhere in the galaxy. The galaxy is divided into an 8x8 quadrant grid. The astronomical name of a quadrant is called out upon entry into a new region. Each quadrant is further divided into an 8x8 section grid.
Action-packed graphics and animation were deliberately avoided in the game in order to focus fully on the strategic inputs and circumstances of the original game.
There are many instructions for the game and explanations as well as tips and tricks on the Internet.
It's best to just play the game a few times until you get the hang of it.
At the end of each mission there is a rating and a leaderboard. Here it is important to know that the lower the rating, the higher the placement.
There is a lot of work, time and sweat in the game. There is bound to be a bug or two. just let me know In any case, there will be a second version, which is also based on the original code, but will also be a 4X game.