Steam rolled (Piapiou, sigitang, nuagesolitaire, LeBlizzard, weirDoZz, Frisbee)
The Antoritarian empire has led an industrial revolution based on the blood of their enemies. But their technology has been stolen by barbarians. Help command the empire troops to defend your energy core which will soon eradicate all enemies.
- Roll powerdice to activate abilities in your soldiers : teleport, attack, heal...
- Fight invading uncultured insects
- Survive until the 20th wave to see your core lead your empire to victory !
Sigitang (dev) : Still lost in the tutorial UI
Frisbee (dev) : *Keuf keuf keuf keuf Slurrrrrr*
LeBlizzard (art) : Medal of the best animation drawing speedrun
Nuagesolitaire (sound & music) : Devs talking about code is a nice white-noise backround
Dozz (dev) : Medal of the best 4am debug team mate
Piapiou (dev) : Can't sleep when brain is flowiiiing