Strange Adventure Game
Strange Adventure is a third person adventure type plat-former game with AI base enemies. Player have to passed through different five level which are inter-connected with each other.
Key Features
- Third Person full control with 360-degree movement.
- Advance AI Enemies with detection & special attack mode.
- Large graphical level with high level production.
- Different environment of every level with inter-connection.
- Player & enemies health bar system.
- Player attacking system.
- Player weapon system with changing weapon system.
- 3D UI Menu with 3D Animations.
This game is made by
- Arslan ur Rehman
- Junain Munir
As a Final Year Project of the University "NCBA&E" Program "Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons)" Under The Supervision of:
- Mr. Muhammad Saleem
A Special Thanks To
"DR. Sagheer Abbas" - Dean of the NCBA&E, CS Department.
"DR. Waseem Ahmed" - HOD of the NCBA&E, CS Department.
"Mr. Muhammad Saleem" - Our Project Supervisor & Professor of NCBA&E.
" Mr. Zain ul Abideen" - Final Year Project Coordinator & Professor of NCBA&E.
"Maam Naila" - Final Year Project Coordinator & Professor of NCBA&E.
& To ALL Teachers of NCBA&E.