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Stronghold Legends

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Lead the siege as fantasy characters throughout history! Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition takes the beloved castle building series and plunges it into myth and legend with three unique factions and new Steam-exclusive content. Play as King Arthur and command his Knights of the Round Table, ally with the demonic Vlad Dracula or relive the heroic saga of Siegfried of Xanten in 24 story missions. Build and destroy castles using powerful spells, mythical beasts and legendary hero units!
Key Features
Remastered for Steam - Steam multiplayer, Workshop support, achievements, new maps, a digital art book, trading cards and DLC campaigns.
Become Legendary Heroes - Unique fantasy setting with campaigns following the exploits of King Arthur, Siegfried and Vlad Dracula.
Command Mythical Beasts - Three playable factions with access to frost giants, creepers, werewolves and more!
Cast Powerful Spells - Hero units ranging from the wizard Merlin to fire breathing dragons and the Knights of the Round Table.
Battle AI Lords - Skirmish multiplayer against computer-controlled opponents and human players.
Besiege Players Online - Deathmatch, King of the Hill, Economic War and Capture the Flag game modes.
Steam Edition
Inspired by medieval folklore and introducing magic to the series for the first time, Stronghold Legends adds new environments, units, challenges and gameplay with each single player campaign and bonus trail. Catapult werewolves over castle walls, incinerate troops using dragon fire or command mighty ice giants to obliterate enemy defenses! Go online with up to four players in competitive multiplayer over Steam or skirmish offline against computer-controlled opponents.
Created exclusively for Steam, Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition comes with full Steam multiplayer, achievements, new maps, a digital art book, trading cards and all DLC campaigns. The Steam edition also updates Legends with full Steam Workshop support! Sculpt an icy tundra to wage war on, a scorched earth battleground using the evil terrain type or conjure up a magical kingdom fit for King Arthur himself.

Release date
FireFly Studios
FireFly Studios
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10
  • Processor: 1.6 GHz Equivalent Intel or AMD Processor
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: 64 MB Video Card With Hardware Transform and Lighting
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 3 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX 7 Compatible Sound Card or Higher
  • OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz Equivalent Intel or AMD Processor
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: 128 MB Video Card With Hardware Transform and Lighting
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 3 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX 7 Compatible Sound Card or Higher
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Last Modified: Oct 1, 2024

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3 edits


1 edit
Evolution Of Stronghold 2001 - 2020
Feb 8, 2018
Stronghold Collection - Stronghold Legends Trailer
Feb 18, 2010
Let's Play Stronghold Legends: Kampagne German #1
Jul 7, 2013
Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition - GAMEPLAY
Sep 17, 2016
Stronghold Legends Multiplayer - Dixon vs SergiuHellDragoonHQ | Deathmatch [1080p/HD]
Aug 31, 2014
Stronghold Legends Steam Edition - BUILDING THE CAMELOT CASTLE
Dec 25, 2016
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True Dedication
Award for playing Stronghold Legends for 10 or more days.
Huge Multiplayer Streak
Awarded for winning 15 multiplayer games in a row.
Awarded for collecting all of the trophies! You are a true legend!
Body Count
Awarded for killing 50,000 enemy units during the course of your game time.
Multiplayer Warlord
Awarded for winning 50 Multiplayer games.
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Stronghold Legends reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Nostalgia for the past times is just a roof. The Russian voice is very annoying. The Game is disappointing low online players in multiplayer, but it is clear that it is no longer in the novelty. Most of the servers are down, or when you try to attach, the-[connection could Not be established]. The Game is very entertaining and do not have time to notice how it will take several hours, which is not surprising for the strategy. Surprisingly Simple map Editor, where everyone can create a map to your liking. The Game menu is very simple, so any beginner will be able to understand everything on the go. Pleases the presence of awards in the game, which adds the desire to get the entire collection. Game 8/10
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Stronghold Legends Stronghold Legends is one of my favorite parts of the stronghold series. In its essence it is a simplified Stronghold 2, but with the addition of new unique units, ultimate abilities, factions, etc. But everything in order. The Story is quite simple and short. We are told the Istrian 3 characters: King Arthur, Dietrich and Vlad. Mission ala help Arthur to reach the sword (Which would then pulled him and became king) or build/defend your castle. In fact they are not complicated, but some have their snag for Example, in the 2nd mission for Arthur will have to build buildings with a look back on the future because on this map we have to return again the Economic component of the coordination changes did not happen. Minor changes have touched the Royal kitchen (which give us the honor). And so all the way before we get the stones, iron, cut all the trees on the map as a result of which we are knocking Greenpisovtsi. On quietly build from all this different forges, walls, weapons, etc. The Military is more fun. Unlike the classic Arbletchikov and swordlets we were given the opportunity to play for Dragons, Giants And This other Percival in the side of the world, etc. each faction Has its own unique units. The Side of the world can summon the Knights each of which will have a unique ultimate ability, snow Dietrich will get you giants and Mishkami (who just do not care about your walls) and Darkness which is spambed by werewolves, Hypnotists and flying Suicidal mice. Undoubtedly It all adds new strategy games and development plans against a certain opponent. Bottom line: By Removing Some of the elements from SH2 (For example, wooden structures or ' ' Whip and Gingerbread ' ') and adding new game elements (while not heavily affecting the basis of the Stronghold-a) came out happy with the great part in which it is necessary to play not only fans Series, but also just fans of the genre of Fentezi/strategy. 10/10
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