Subnautica reviews

Finally completed it after many hours of gameplay (49 hours to be exact)!

Subnautica is an extremely well-done underwater exploration game where you're trying to escape the planet your ship crashed into.

It offers a world where no other videogame comes even close to. It's a shame most of it is buried under the darkness of the ocean. I think some artistic liberties could've been taken. Like Abzu, where it never gets pitch dark.

The crafting is actually very satisfying. There is some grind but when you get going with the vehicles and some neat base features, you feel extremely satisfied after your hard work.

The submarine you get could've been improved. You can't open the PDA while driving it. You can't see what's below you unless you use the cameras etc. When you switch to the camera view you are taken away from the radar which is important to avoid some big fish.

The game can be played with a goal of curing yourself and the rest of the planet from the sickness. Also escaping the planet if you wish to do so. The steps you need to take in order to achieve these goals are not super self explanatory. I had to consult the wiki in some places to figure out certain bits. If you're looking for a straightforward narrative, this is not for you.

Also towards the end of the game they give you this upgrade relating to power. You can seriously upgrade the power capacity of your vehicles. I'm talking almost infinite power. But at that point you probably explored every corner of the map and ready to get off the planet. So it's kinda pointless.

I also experienced some performance issues unfortunately on my GTX970. I know I don't have the latest and greatest but it still performed really badly especially around my base it would fall to 15FPS or so.

If I lowered the settings quite drastically I would get around 30FPS.

Don't let some of the negatives I mentioned scare you, Subnautica is one of the best survival/crafting and exploration games and it just seems to hit that perfect spot where crafting is rewarding and resource collection is actually quite interesting.

Last words: Co-op DLC like Don't Starve Together would make this game a blast.
«Blew my mind»
For me this game is too stressful. It’s hard to find items here, you need so much stuff to build a house and everything is too complicated. I know that a survival game has to challenge you but not that much! I even stopped enjoying the exploration because of this pressure. I just wanted to turn it off and relax. I understand why people love this game but as for me - it’s not fun.
Subnautica always keeps pressure on you: now it’s peaceful and silent and suddenly it frightens you with something you’re not sure to exist. Besides this, you can always find what to do here or just enjoy the views - I love these visuals! Strongly recommended for all survival games lovers.
«Can’t stop playing»
They managed to do the impossible:

They made the majority of the game a "water level," and it doesn't suck.

And for a fame that began life as an artsy survival me-too, it sure turned out to have a pretty amazing story.
«That ending!»
The most interesting and amazing 90 hours spent in last years.
«Can’t stop playing»