Super Murderhobo
Early demo of a currently in-development pixel roguelike for PC & Mac.
Explore the overworld before entering randomly generated dungeons to kill enemies and collect items & treasure.
Store loot for later use or purchase and sell items at the local shop. Buy some rocks from an unsuccessful farmer to throw
at a rat before feasting upon its corpse for sustenance.
All of this and more is possible within the exciting world of Super Murderhobo...
WASD - Cardinal movement
QEZC - Diagonal movement
Space - Wait
X - Throw, Select, etc.
I - Inventory
M - Map
Other keys- Other things (mostly just testing stuff)
Gamepad - The general concept is that you hold L or R and press direction for diagonals, the rest should be fairly intuitive
New version with SFX/BGM, bindable keys/buttons, better menu design and a more interesting overworld (with a gentler start) coming soon...