Swarm (itch) (JoeyD, WineCraft)

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Swarm, a multiplayer RTS based in outer space. Every planet in the solar system is a gravity well and draws in all nearby objects into its core, the only way to escape is to achieve orbit around the planet.

At the start of the game, multiple players start off with their own planets and a handful of ships in orbit. Within the solar system, there are a few suns and some empty planets. All of the planets orbit the suns in the center, and all of the ships orbit the planets.

Each player, with their group of planets must harvest energy from the planets they occupy and the nearby stars, given that they are within range. With this energy, they can choose to create more ships or to rocket their ships out of orbit and onto other planets. Stars give off energy faster than planets

The ships themselves are simple, containing an energy collecting unit and a reflector. These ships must be in range of a planet or the sun in order to harvest its energy, but can beam this energy back to any planet currently controlled by the player. Once the energy is beamed back to the planet, the planet can spawn more ships. This means that all of the energy harvested can become concentrated into one planet, and that planet can do more ship-spawning or rocketing.

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Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Nov 2, 2020

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