Tale of Topanga Kool-aid Chronicles
Princess Topanga is the keep holder of 5 different flavors of Kool-aid. Out of nowhere her town was attack by a mysterious entity in hopes of gathering the Kool-aid. She rushes over to her safe house and summons a hero from another world to help her and the town. As the hero was being summon she was immediately kidnapped. Before they carried her off, she used her magic to send the 5 flavors of Kool-aid to 5 hidden locations. Now it's up to the hero to save the day......
Standard controls: (Changeable control types available)
Arrow keys - Move
Z - Jump/Select
X - Attack/Back
C - Activate Power
V - Use Passive Item
Music by Yal - itch.io page
Note: The demo does NOT represent the final version and is entirely subject to change. Options, cut-scenes, and certain NPC info will be disabled.