Tank Combat | RETRO JAM
Tank Combat is a combat shooter game inspired from the Atari Tank Combat that I have remastered into a SNES like kind of graphics.
I have created this project for the Retro Jam.
Game engine: Unity 2020.2.6
The whole game has been produced trying to recreate a SNES game vibe. Most of the code relies on math operations and requires very little computing resources.
Graphics, FPS and resolution has been lowered down to fit the targeted hardware and even the music uses very simple synthesized sounds ( can easily be played with 4 audio channels).
Controls also fit the targeted platform as the whole game (menus included) is only playable using 5 buttons each for player.
A devLog video will be released soon!
The game has 2 gameplay modes:
- Player vs Computer
- Player vs Player
In the P2COMP menu you can choose which Tank you want to use during the match.
You will fight against a retro programmed AI. The AI DOES NOT use any Nav Mesh whatsoever. It detects things using raycast and act accordingly.
In the P2P menu each player can see their controls on the top of the screen and choose the tank to use for the match.
In the OPTIONS menu you will be able to change music and FX volume.
Be aware that does numbers modify the audio volume in a linear way (retro effect) rather than logarithmic (correct audio).
Also it is possible to choose how many points a player needs to win a match.
ENTER - Choose Option / Pause Menu
Player 1 -----
A - Left
D - Right
W - Up
S - Down
E - Shoot
Player 2 -----
J - Left
L - Right
I - Up
K - Down
O - Shoot
This game uses:
- Simple Toon by DMITRY CHALOVSKIY | Available on Asset Store (Shader)
- Retro FX Ultimate by QFSW | Available on Asset Store (Camera Pixelated FX)
- Tanks by Unity Technology | Available on Asset Store (Tank 3D Model)