Average Playtime: 4 hours


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Become the greatest shaman to ever lob a fireball. Retrace the steps of your Akazi ancestors to prevent your island home of Tanzia from being overrun by an ancient evil. Your elders will guide you, but it is up to you to master your skills and live up to your family’s legacy. An old-style RPG made with modern tech and set in a unique world, Tanzia combines elements of favorite classic action-adventure RPGs in an open 3D world full of magic and monsters.Fight Fantastic FoesAs you venture deeper and deeper into the world of Tanzia, you'll face increasingly powerful creatures, from a lowly Akiri bird to the Skeleton King himself, with water spirits, giant spiders, zombies, corrupted beings and many more powerful creatures in between!

Discover the World of TanziaThe island of Tanzia is completely open from the moment your adventure starts, you can get to discover and enjoy it at your own leisure, visit Turtle Beach, the Docks, the dangerous Emuri Village, the magical Lagoon, The Ruins of an ancient civilization and many more beautiful locations. Just make sure you're geared up & ready for the challenges you'll face along the way!

Learn ArcanityFreeze your foes to make them slower, burn them to a crisp, root them in place! Learn different magic spells to deal with your enemies in creative ways, combine Arcanity with alchemy effects to become a one man army!

Master AlchemyHeal, run faster, make your Arcanity spells more powerful than you can ever imagine! Mastering alchemy will be crucial in your quest to become the Hero of the Akazi stories.

  • Unique backstory and island setting
  • Main questline and optional quests to unlock more spells, items, and zones
  • Open combat system where exploiting combinations of spells, enemy weaknesses, and environment is encouraged
  • MMORPG-like controls with responsive movement to allow kiting and other emergent techniques
  • Steam stats and achievements
  • Steam Cloud savegames
  • Steam Trading Cards, Badges, Emoticons & Profile Backgrounds
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2.8 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 2500, AMD Radeon 5000 series, or GeForce GTX 8 series
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

Where to buy

Nintendo Store

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Equip 1 gem to your staff.
Defeat a wild boar.
Master your first spell.
Make a potion.
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Find the scattered pages of Mako's Lost Journal and read the comic.
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18 items

Tanzia reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review This game is pretty good, i like the Grafiks and gameplay but i think the controls of this game can be better... Controller controls are good but the Keyboard and mouse controls could be better! Otherwise playing with controller makes fun and its a very good game it would be cool when there will be a german translation in future ^^ German: Das spiel ist sehr gut Mir gefällt der Grafikstil und das Gameplay an sich, ich finde die Steuerung mit Maus und Tastatur kö nnte besser sein aber mit einen Controller macht es viel spass ich kann das spiel also mit einen Controller empfehlen Maus und Tastatur ist gewöhnungsbedürftig
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Product received for free Early Access review Tanzia is a good game still in development, today you can only reach the "zone" 10 more or less, getting all possible objects and doing all the missions took me about 6/7 hours. The biggest problem of the game is the combat system, it is very slow and coarse, in the end in almost all cases it is best to run causing enemies to pursue you and when they are all together start hitting them with damage skills in area. There Are A few bugs and some parts that can be used for "farm" experience and gold without practically doing anything, only running, apart from that, the melee is the worst of the game, at least now, I could only get 2 wands and both did very little damage . Otherwise, the game has good ideas and a lot of potential, I think with a good development and listening to the community the game could become something very interesting. Right Now I recommend it in a good offer, if not, wait for the development is more advanced. Steam Mentor
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
This game is awesome! It reminds me of the good old days when games weren't just about good graphics. I enjoyed it alot. + great comic like graphics + interesting story + fun challenges + i liked the choice of skills (fire totem is my favourite) + you could really feel that the developers put their heart in the game o the movement controls are alright, i was hoping for melee attack while movin g though. I didn't miss it too much because of the spells. Things the developers should improve: - Mobs shouldn't follow you forever, it's annoying and even leads to some advantages you probably shouldn't have. For example i could make the huge turtle follow me to the lagoon, and it just died because i went into the protective bubble. Often times you have to walk unneccesary lengths to another area, just so the mobs will stop following you. - Let the player regenerate health/mana. Potions and Gems are alright but i think there should be an constant regeneration when standing still. Even if its just a little bit. It's annoying to walk again unneccesary lengths just to regenerate health/mana when you are out in combat. - I couldn't figure out how to make the quest with target practice dissapear. I focused that target maybe for half an hour... - A wing glider would be great for moving faster. Would fit in the world i think. Overall it's a really great game. I hope for more to come in the future (DLC's or maybe even a part 2).
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