Average Playtime: 2 hours

Tetris Ultimate

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Experience the Best of TetrisIn this fast-paced game of skills, you can take on the puzzle game solo, battle a friend, partner up with friends, or make battle teams. Up to four players can get in on the action.

  • Marathon – Get to level 15 and rack up as many points as you can.
  • Endless – Go as high as level 30 and keep clearing lines as long as possible.
  • Ultra – Get your highest score before time runs out in this three-minute challenge.
  • Sprint – Clear 40 lines as quickly as you can.
  • Battle – Go head-to-head to knock out your opponents.
  • Power-Up Battle – Be the last person playing after using crazy power-ups! Go on the offensive with Carousel and make your opponent’s Well shift to the left after each move, or trigger Let it Rain and dump garbage down on top of them. Buzz Saw helps you out by clearing away a number of your lines – especially useful when you’re in a spot of trouble.
  • Haunted – Complete Marathon mode while your Tetriminos disappear.
  • Landslide – Try to clear lines while random Minos are dumped on your screen every 10 turns.
  • Time's Up – Starting with a 30 second game, clear lines and perform special moves like T-Spins and combos to add time to your game.
Stay Connected With FriendsSocial Feeds keep you up to date with in-game events and allows you to track your friends’ scores. Tetris Ultimate captures and saves your play style, allowing you to always be able to play with or against your friends, even when they are offline. If your scores get beat, view your friends’ strategies via their in-game replays, then challenge and beat them!Celebrate Wins and CompeteLeaderboards make it easy to post your scores and see how you measure up against your friends. Challenge yourself and stack your skills and scores against other great players around the globe. An official Tetris Rank in the shape of Tetriminos has been implemented to classify and identify the top players. Play by Championship Rules for an even greater feat to see where you place among the most elite players. Are you one of the best in the world?
Release date
Ubisoft San Francisco
Ubisoft Entertainment
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Nintendo 3DS

System requirements for PS Vita

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10 (32/64bit versions)
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 @ 2.5 GHz or AMD Athlon II X2 240 @ 2.8 GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: nVidia GeForce GTS450 or AMD Radeon HD5670
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
  • OS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10 (32/64bit versions)
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon II X4 620 @ 2.6 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: nVidia GeForce GTX 460 or AMD Radeon HD5850 or better
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Oct 18, 2023

Where to buy

Xbox Store
Nintendo Store

Top contributors


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A 1989 TETRIS Expert Plays TETRIS EFFECT for the First Time
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What the Heck Is Wrong with Tetris PS4? - IGN Plays
Dec 18, 2014
Tetris the grand master 3: Ti. Master mode Gm Rank Invisible テトリス グランドマスター
Jan 30, 2010
Nintendo 3DS - Tetris Ultimate Launch Trailer
Nov 15, 2014
Tetris® Ultimate Launch Trailer – The Tetris Effect
Nov 13, 2014
CGR Undertow - TETRIS ULTIMATE review for Nintendo 3DS
Dec 10, 2014
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Team Player
Play games in Team Vs. to earn the Hanger On, Tag Team Champions, and Back 2 Back badges.
Power Player
Play is more fun with Power. Earn the Horse Play, Cut to Size, and The Haunting badges to get this trophy.
Tetris® Master
For Tetris® Masters only. Earn the Show-off, T-Spinner, and Simply the Best badges.
The Cooperative
Stop the battling. Sing Kumbaya and earn the Group Think, Party Animal, and Power Couple badges.
Be your best Tetris® Self. Earn the Strategist, Generous, Underdog badges.
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Tetris Ultimate reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I don't know what many against the game have running smoothly on my Laptop (have rather worse ones). Yes sometimes one or the other asturz can happen and the controllersupport is still quite mature but everything in the real is part of a successful Tetris which I can recommend to everyone
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
If you liked this Game at The GameBoy, you will have your Joy here. I don't think I need to say much about this Game, because most will still know it from their Childhood. + For Fans one must + Different Interesting game Modes + Multiplayer + Gamepad supported (XBox 360/One, Steam controller)-At certain Moments it may happen that the Game crashes-you can not adjust the Controls yourself (Keyboard, which Keys and Gamepad, which Stick/digipad): ' (
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Tetris is Tetris A fast and extensive Tetris In this reissued version of The Game classic Tetris, the raised Speed, as well as the Spinning sefall after The touch of the Ground, are the biggest Changes. In Addition, Tetris Ultimate offers various new, interesting Game Modes. Ubisoft Account required At The first Start of the Game you are asked if you have a Ubisoft Account. It was a relatively "nasty" Surprise for me when I had to register there at first. However, If you already have an Account, this Factor should not bother any further. Unfortunately, The Price Ratio is very poor. For 10.90 CHF (10EUR) you can buy significantly more/newer/more interesting games! A must it is definitely not!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Ubisoft Frisco, in Spring 2015. An Intern Sits bored in the Corner. Supervisor 1 to Caregiver 2: Hey, we still have an Intern. Don't you Have what for him? Carer 2: Pff .. Actually, no. I'm totally busy with our current AAA Title here. Carer 1: Let's let him program something with Tetris. Surely this is always a nice Finger exercise. Carer 2: Ohja, and best in Unity-that's totally fancy at the moment. .... Either way, it must have expired. "Experience Tetris in Top Form ..." In the End, you have a Game where you can't just check which High Scores you currently have. But fully interesting to see where the Best stand like this. The Keyboard control Can be adjusted since the last Patch-great. So actually not "great" but somehow "fiddly." But it goes. For a Gamepad, this Option is still missing (or it is even more fiddly and hidden). If you want to switch through the Options for a Game Mode (Normal, VS, Koop, waswhitich) you start a Game by Mistake. The Significance of any very intrusive% data about Tetris-I are only slowly opening up ... In Short: Yes, nice Student project, but for a Publisher like Ubisoft somehow embarrassing. And from because of the Best Form ... Maybe it's romantic Transfiguration, but Tetris Worlds just felt better ...
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