The Bald Pirate
My YouTube Channel (Subscribe please)
Game Rules:
- After 3 hit you die
- The first time you release a little ship
- The second time you die DIE
- When the little ship collide with an enemy you respawn
- You can go in thief mode only when you collide with a yellow ship
- When you die in thief mode you return in the ship
- When you kill the boss in thief mode press the Right Mouse
- W-Up
- S-Down
- A-Left
- D-Right
- Left Mouse-Shoot
- Right Mouse-Refill Cannon/Thief Mode
- Space/Escape-End Round
Little Ship:
- W-Up
- S-Down
- A-Left
- D-Right
Bald Pirate:
- A-Left
- D-Right
- Space-Jump
- Left Mouse-Attack
- Right Mouse-Exit Thief Mode