The Demon At Dusk
The Story Thus Far...
This is an experimental game designed and developed for @yesterdayneverhappened 10/28/2022 Album release of The Demon at Dusk
The player takes the role of Angel, as they fight waves of opponents in an FPS, endless runner style experience.
Happy Halloween!
Controls will be listed in Playstation DS4 format
- Right Trigger = Regular Melee Attack, Palm Slash
- Triangle = Special Attack, Scythe Slash
- Right Analog Stick = Aim, look around
In menus you can press X to select options or progress Dialogue
Credits@blk_sherlock Game Design, Game Programming, Technical Artist (3D Rigging, Weight Painting and Animations)
@yesterdayneverhappened Music, SFX, Game Design, 3D Modelling, Typography and Logo Desig, Character Designs, Textures
@acatwithpants Character Portraits