The Desert Sailer
"The Desert Sailer" is an abstract mystery game where you get to discover and unlock secrets - that might be part of a bigger narrative.
It takes place in a barren desert. A "tiny open world" where you are free to roam anywhere you like.
You play as my father "Ōkina Isu" (大きな椅子) in his home built windkart as he is about to do a major discovery.
The game takes place in 1986 when I, Chīsana, were only 4 years old.
Once you have unlocked the "Racetrack" you get to race the windkart around to see if you can get a good lap time.
Otherwise, have fun and enjoy this mystery game.
- Chīsana Isu
System requirements for PC
Last Modified: Feb 1, 2021
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