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The Guild 3

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We find ourselves in middle Europe of the year 1400. The dark middle ages, once dominated through nobles and clergy, ends and a new era begins: the age of the free cities of trading and of the free mind!
In The Guild 3 you create a family dynasty which can last for centuries. While the world around you and your dynasty rearrange itself again and again - all non-player figures make their own decisions - you have to prove your skills in handicrafts and trading, at social occasion and finally in politics and in malicious intrigues.
The Guild 3 is a unique mixture of economic simulation, strategy game, historical life simulation and role playing game in real time 3D, with atmospheric voice recording and medieval soundtrack.
Beautiful world that looks and feels alive, with day and night cycle and the four seasons Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, each with specific influences to the world.
Many "Story Quests" offer hours of game fun!
Multiplayer experiences with up to 16 players and more at once!
Known and Secret Societies, e.g. the Freemasons and the Alchemists Guild! Join one of the societies, support your fellows and get supported, get access to special powers of your society and try to mold your city and whole scenario map according to your societies philosophy!
12 unique scenario maps that comprise one or more cities and their surroundings, based on original historical locations in central and northern Europe.
Mighty scenario editor that allow you to design your own scenarios.

Release date
Purple Lamp Studios
THQ Nordic
Age rating
Not rated
Other games in the series

System requirements for PC

7 or higher
Processor: 2.5 GHz Dual Core Processor
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 2 GB Direct3D 11 capable video card (GeForce GTX 470 or Radeon HD 5850)
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 5 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX compatible Sound card
Additional Notes: These are preliminary system specs that can and will change!
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Last Modified: Sep 27, 2024

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Epic Games

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learn the skills DarkSecret, Spellbound and Occultism3
Drink one Guntram's Brew
Make it your way!
Become Sovereign without owning a single business building all the time
Have 24 business buildings at once
Earn 10,000 winning points in difficulty level "normal”
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The Art of The Deal Returns - The Guild 3 Memes
!Guild | Checking Out The Guild 3!! Gonna Start Me A Shop! [Sponsored]
The Art of The Deal Continues! - Guild 3 Memes
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The Guild 3 reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review Thats it? That's what I was waiting FOR YAHRELANG? I had chewed up all my Nails for that? This is what you do with the most loyal Kind of Fans that still exist in the Game world? I don't barrel it. This is so derogatory, but actually it started in the Development Phase with unproffessional indifference to the Fans. There was never a clean Flow Of information that was really reliable and trustworthy about the current nature of the Information. Especially German-speaking Fans, who make up an immense Part of the Community, who were already very active at Gilde 2 Renessance, had to search the Net for Hours in order to come across information that was Not even known if they were Trustworthy. Were. With much smaller Gamestudios it is easily possible the Fans even via Live Chats, Live streams etc in the Work to Intgrieren. So if you had wanted it, there would have been countless Possibilities open to the Fans and/or the Community. No instead we were peppered with all these individual House and Character designs, which by the way were really cool. No one could easily get a picture of which Staduim were working in. Even after the Release date was moved several times, it was impossible to estimate as a waiting What still had to be done or what was already choppy. In itself I have a Waiting no problem at all, after all this is all a huge Pile of Work and I appreciate that this Project was taken up in the first place and someone Bothers to make a "Comeback" possible for this Game again with today's Means. BUT letting the Fans stand in the Rain like this is incomprehensible To me, especially after the Community has made the Predecessor (G2 Renaissance) really Marketable in the first place. This Base is used today to start up and I am created by the fact that without that Base you would not have attacked the Game project any more. And now we stand there with a Game that is completely bebugging and I don't just mean such a little Bit, no you can't play the Game without getting strong Cramps in the Heart Area. The Graphic ... Well, you can't even judge the graphics themselves correctly, even with 64 GB OF RAM, a nvidia GeForce GTX 1080Ti And an overclocked Processor, the Game is a Slideshow. It jerks and hangs, it crashes and freezes and and ... It is not even the case that it would only be Bugs resulting from the Programming, but partly forgotten To implement processes, which led to Errors of Production etc, Carts do not adhere to the CRITERIA given To you the AI in general One might think was almost completely hidden. Seriously, I could continue for Hours like this and I would still come up with Things that affect the Game. Unfortunately, we are still a long way from objecting To things like a missing Tutorial or other Superficialities, as this Game should honestly not even Be Released in the current State. And now the Shock of all The players who have waited and courted. I Zitiere: "" The Guild "is a veteran Game Series with many longtime Fans who have been waiting for this Successor for Years. NOW, WO THE SPIEL FAST FERTIG IS AND WE YOU THE LOVE LOVE, we want to gather feedback from as many Fans as possible so that the finished Version can meet all Expectations. "" That's the Hardship. They call it "FAST FERTIG" it should not even have come onto the Market. All those who were still desperately clinging to it and hoped that the Updates would have to do everything slowly, that it will probably remain with the biggest Disappointment of the Decade. I would like to take this Opportunity to thank all the Fans, especially all those who helped develop G2 Renaissance and made this Game what it remained to this day. Thank you!
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