The Heart of the Forest
The Heart of the Forest is an adventure game loosely based on slavic mythology. You play as Yaga, the Forest's guardian, on a mission to free the Heart of the Forest from the evil that's corrupting it.
We didn't have enough time to give this idea justice, but we plan to add the missing elements in the near future . If you're interested in this project and its progress - follow our page or this twitter account!
Pre-made assets:
Ground texture from a previous game project.
Third-party assets:
Top Down Game Template
RuslanDisplay font - GDC 2018 - Game Audio Bundle
Elemental - Powder Movement_6
Elemental - Water Bubbles Big_4
GORE - Head_Explode_6
GORE - WEAP - Shovel_Whoosh_Impact_Gore_1
Monster Bite 3
Ambience, Forest, Birds, Distant Walla, Owl Howling SND4942
Ambience, Nature, Pond, Crickets, Frogs, Drips, Distant Traffic SND2801
Ambience, Night, Birds, Hoots, Crickets 1 SND0461
Ambience, Night, Crickets, Birds, Close Frog Calls 1 SND0465
Creature, Monster, Roar SND0730
Design, Whoosh 6 SND3604 2
Design, Whoosh 6 SND3604 3.1
Door, Lock, Metal Rattle, Short SND7605
Earthquake, Impact, Crack 03 SND13429
Earthquake, Impact, Crack 05 SND13427
Earthquake, Rumble, Passby 03 SND13406
Footsteps, Dirt, Dry, Sneaker, Fast SND1035
Human, Voice, Beast, Heavy Breathing, Pitchdown -12st 23 SND9385 3
Human, Voice, Beast, Heavy Breathing, Pitchdown -24st 4 SND9212
Underwater, Bubble, Pass By, Hard Panning SND12424 1
Weapons, Blade, Gore, Slash 02 SND13222
Short Click/Snap Perc by waveplay
Mixamo animations
Dmitry Seregin ( - Programming, Texturing
Alina Israfilova ( - Character Design, 2D Art, 3D Modelling
Nick Shikhachevskiy ( - Music, Sound Design
Vasily Ovsyankin - 3D Modelling