The Icarus
A mysterious disappearance. A submarine going deeper and deeper in a cave below ice. Strange creatures.
Follow a deep-sea biologist and his crew on a mission to rescue the "Icarus" and the lost family on board. Steer your submarine through tunnels, using only a sonar system. Be guided by waypoints left behind by the vanished family.
- Pay close attention to the UI, all neccessary information is in there
- Play the game in fullscreen and with headphones for the best experience
- There is an effect showing the direction towards the next waypoint
Goal: Collect all waypoints and find the "Icarus".
Pay close attention to all data in screen to navigate!
- Q/E = down/up
- W/S = forwards/backwards
- A/D = Turn left/right
- Space = Use flare
You can hover over the Help paper (left bottom corner) or over the paper on the right side to open Help/Notebook
- H = Open "Help"
- 1-6 = Open Notebook pages
Sound Design is an adaption of creative commons sounds
Changelog- 1.1 Fixed some particle ghosts of the sonar
- 1.2 Fixed some UI Jitter, and faulty particle spawn behaviours
- 1.3 Renamed "Target" in UI to "Next Waypoint" to remove unneccesary obstruction
- 1.4 Added Quit Button and WinBuild
- 1.5 Removed Quit Button from HTML5 Build
- 1.6 Fixed Hole in Terrain where players could get lost in