The Stanley Parable reviews

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
"The Stanley Parable" is a Game that ... I'll start again. "The Stanley Parable" is a ... Experiment that's about ... No, don't look right at the Standings. If You look at the Evaluation now, then all my Work is in vain, then You don't need to read the whole Review anymore, if You ... You looked, didn't you? Just when I was talking about it. I Probably shouldn't have talked about it at all, because if I hadn't talked about it, you wouldn't have looked at the Standings at all. But then this whole Text would be pointless now, if You had not looked at the Evaluation, then my Objection and every Word that You would read now would be completely unnecessary, because You would have just read the Review on like that, quite openly, quite frank and free. , quite carefree, if I hadn't put You off it with my Comment, which would have been completely unnecessary ... Somehow we were at a fray. So again from scratch: "The Stanley Parable" is a Parable that-as the Word suggests-works structurally primarily with the Ironization of Meta-levels, which are present in the Substructure of the Convolutiation ... You don't listen properly at all, are you? Admit, You just didn't listen properly at all, thought of something else or nothing at all, cleared your Head. Such an intellectual Brain Jerk, You have surely thought to Yourself. And that's up to me, just about me and how unstringent I write my Reviews. As I jump from one to and be, with no Structure, no logic. I do this so badly. In doing so, I can actually, that is, deal with Language and so, somehow I believe it at least that way. Why are You still surrender with me? You already know that this will no longer lead to anything, that I will no longer get to a Point, no longer write criticism and yet You continue to read, read and read as if You had nothing else to do, nothing better. You could do something else. Call Your Mother, for Example, or have a Beer with a friend. Instead, You read and read this endless String of Trivialities, let yourself be lulled, believe there is something behind it, behind this Chaos of text. Some Sense, one Goal, one meaning. But there is no such thing. You projezier them into it. I never wanted anything with this Text, I didn't want to confuse or exitate, my only Goal was to write a Review. A Review that Will take You further, make It easier for you to make the Purchase Decision, Inform You. But please, if You don't want to hear that at all, I can also write about something completely different, about Poems. Or Fontane, once Fontane read? Worth it. Everything is clearly structured, since You can already read the blueprint for the whole novel on the first Page at the description of the house. Genuine. But instead of reading something like that, you sit there and still read this Inconsequential Garbage, this babble that at some Point just sank wi rating: 10/10 Atmosphere 8/10 Graphics 10/10 Sound 8/10 game mechanics 9/10 Balancing 9/10 Gameplay depth 10/10 Game pass conclusion: "The Stanley Parable "is a Game ... I'll start again. Only one thing more: The (English) Speaker is divine. 10/10 Overall Rating