Average Playtime: 2 hours

The Swords of Ditto

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The Swords of Ditto is a compact action RPG that creates a unique adventure for each new hero of legend in the relentless fight against the evil Mormo. Explore a delightful but dangerous overworld, brave menacing dungeons, and improve your hero in a charming village, during your quest to overcome the evil that plagues the island. Unleash the mystical Sword of Ditto and grab a co-op friend for an unforgettable adventure filled with delightful characters, extraordinary loot, and heroic battles!
Unique Adventures Linked Together: Each adventure becomes its own legend, both distinct from those that came before it and part of a heroic legacy that bind together. The deeds, successes, and failures of each hero's adventure have implications for those that follow including the ability to find weapons and recover loot from history’s fallen heroes.
Solo & Cooperative Adventuring: Battle Mormo and her evil armies alone or summon a brave friend to take up arms alongside you in local co-op mode. Fear not, even less experienced adventurers will find help from their fellow heroes through the magic of a good old-fashioned revival hug!
Weapons, Items, & Stickers: Wield the traditional sword and bow combo alongside the decidedly less traditional vinyl record Frisbee, magic golf club, and colossal foot from the heavens to put Mormo and her legions back on their heels. Collect and equip stickers to boost up your hero and add perks to their gear to become powerful enough to banish the wicked sorceress.
Main Quests and Secret Side Missions: Approach your legend however you see fit by battling through dungeons in any order, completing side missions through dark caverns and deep wells, or confront Mormo right from the start for the ultimate challenge.

Release date
Devolver Digital
Devolver Digital
Age rating
10+ Everyone 10+

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for Linux

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for iOS

iPhone 5s, iPad Air, iPad Air Cellular, iPad Mini Retina, iPad Mini Retina Cellular, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air 2, iPad Air 2 Cellular, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 3 Cellular, iPod Touch Sixth Gen, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad Mini 4, iPad Mini 4 Cellular, iPad Pro, iPad Pro Cellular, iPad Pro 9.7, iPad Pro 9.7 Cellular, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPad 6 1 1, iPad 6 1 2, iPad 7 1, iPad 7 2, iPad 7 3, iPad 7 4, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPad 7 5, iPad 7 6, iPhone X S, iPhone X S Max, iPhone X R, iPad 8 1 2, iPad 8 3 4, iPad 8 5 6, iPad 8 7 8, iPad Mini 5, iPad Mini 5 Cellular, iPad Air 3, iPad Air 3 Cellular, iPod Touch Seventh Gen, iPhone 1 1, iPhone 1 1 Pro, iPad Seventh Gen, iPad Seventh Gen Cellular, iPhone 1 1 Pro Max

System requirements for Android

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP, 7,8,10
  • Processor: Intel Core i3-6300 (2 * 3800) or AMD A10-5800K APU (4 * 3800) or equivalent
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
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Last Modified: Dec 30, 2024

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
App Store
Google Play
Nintendo Store

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The Swords of Ditto reviews and comments

I really enjoy the art style and all the options you get in this game. I think it drags on a bit too long but that is kind of what rougelikes do. There are a few frustrations with aspects of the game but overall I think it is fun and I can only imagine it's even better co-op. I was going to try to get the platinum but given the games RNG with sword materials and stickers I decided I'd put my time in.
9/10 - A great tribute to The Legend of Zelda series.
«Can’t stop playing»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I was really trying to like The Swords of Ditto. At The end of the day, though, the Game unfortunately doesn't rip me off the Stool. Only the Look has really succeeded terribly, with the actual Gameplay it hooks in too many Places. It is inexplicable to me why you slow down an actually brisk Game so artificially and hinder the Progression. An incredible amount of Potential is being given away here. In the current State, Unfortunately, The Swords of Ditto moves only in Mediocrity at almost every Level. And that's even though it looks so great. As Always, you will find my detailed Test under https://videospielkombinat.de/the-swords-of-ditto-aber-es-sieht-doch-so-huebsch-aus
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Microsoft from Deutsch
HoNeStLy, ThIs GaMe Is ToO hArD fOr Me. TiMeR sUcKs, iT iS A rOuGlIkE wHiCh WaS nOt MeNtIoNeD aT aLl. WaLkInG sPeEd Is ToO sLoW. MiMiMi. Are you guys serious? inform yourself befor buying a game ffs. If you are that stupid to expect one thing but it never meant to be that thing, and then you are♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥because it is something different, pls unsinstall steam. Do you want to play some clicker game where you do not have to use your brain at all? Zelda MM is one of the best games and also has a timer, sure it is longer, but this is due to the leveldesign and the fact that you are damn fast in SoD by rolling. Additionally you can get extra time. I just typed in Swords of Ditto in google and got an article at the very first position explaining the complete game: timer, rouge like, lose items but possible to save them, progression is not lost because the progression is on your sword, and all that kind of stuff. What you guys are doing is just harming the developers who did a damn great job. Funny how the cofounder of Devolver gave a comment on the gaming community. Sadly true.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Slowly enough, I play the Game with an Xbox One Controller and a Geforce 1070 Ti and have ruckler in the Game? What is this? Not only that I have to restart the Game in part, because no input will be recognized anymore. If I am standing around and can only press Pause, the Character can no longer be moved. Or Stuff like in the Starting Menu can't I push away the Intro, the Menu Thawaits Completely Random? (Game is based on an SSD with 560 MB/s read). The Quick Menu where you can eat what is partially unresponsive or very bad. If you want to get your Forehead and Take Stickers with you, are they just not there in The New Run? What is the point, please? Why do I have to walk like a stupid Monkey to the Sword again every Time I go on it? It's annoying high 10. As a rougelike Lover, I am really dissatisfied with this Bugfest. If I had to evaluate it, it would have only 4 out of 10 Points left. Only the Sound and Graphics kept me playing. Now it lands after 7 Hours on the Data waste in the Hope that one will build something right from it in short or long. Am totally disappointed. The Money was not worth it, at least not for this Unfinished product.
This is an amazing continuator of The Legend of Zelda games. This one reminds of nes and gameboy games especially. You just slash monsters, discover dungeons and solve simple puzzles there. In dungeons, you can find sticker packs with stickers which boost your abilities or give you new skills. But the best part is the cuteness of this game. I'm talking not only about the graphics and music but about the whole idea and all these little details. So go and play it. If you still thinking about buying this game or not, I'm going to say only one word — kazoo!!!

P.S. I played this game in the situation when I didn't have the internet connection, books and movies around for a week (no, I wasn't kidnapped and spent a week in a basement), so this game felt like a really great project
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
The game is amazing at first glance but it appears to be quite shallow. You progress too slowly and it feels like wasting time. You quickly realize how grindy the game is, and it becomes boring. For me it’s a disappointment - such aesthetic game with such poor content. 
This game is done perfect for a top-down retro-like game. It’s beautiful, and the gameplay is fun, especially if you play it in local co-op. I think, disappointed players expected this game to be a AAA project for some reason. C’mon! It’s cheap and fun - and that’s all, and it’s great.  
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