Average Playtime: 4 hours

theHunter: Call of the Wild

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theHunter: Call of the Wild offers the most immersive hunting experience ever created. Step into a beautiful open world teeming with life, from majestic deer and awe-inspiring bison, down to the countless birds, critters and insects of the wilderness. Every inch of the 50-square mile world is crafted using Apex, award-winning technology crafted by Avalanche Studios during a decade of developing explosive action games. In addition to its rich single player experience, theHunter: Call of the Wild offers unique multiplayer options – cooperative and competitive – for up to 8 players. Share the ultimate hunting experience, and earn those bragging rights!KEY FEATURES:
A Next-Generation Hunting Experience.
theHunter: Call of the Wild offers the most immersive hunting experience ever created. Step into a beautiful open world teeming with life, from majestic deer and awe-inspiring bison down to the countless birds, critters and insects of the wilderness.
Experience complex animal behavior, dynamic weather events, full day and night cycles, simulated ballistics, highly realistic acoustics, scents carried by a sophisticated wind system, and much more. All systems work together to increase immersion and bring out the hunter in you.
Explore a Vast Open World. By Foot or ATV.
Explore 50 square miles of varied terrain, ranging from wetlands and dense forests to lush valleys and open farm fields. The vast world of theHunter: Call of the Wild is split up into separate and distinct hunting reserves, each one filled with surprises and memorable moments.
Take on missions and challenges from the locals, or go off the beaten path. Discover lookouts, hunting towers and outposts. Tired of walking between your hunts? Get the ATV Saber 4x4 (optional paid DLC) and drive around! This capable vehicle will carry you across rough terrain at breakneck speeds. Exploring the open world has never been more fun.
A Decade in the Making.
theHunter: Call of the Wild is the evolution of theHunter, Expansive Worlds’ stand-out hunting game, with over 6 million registered players and 7 years of live operations.
Avalanche Studios and Expansive Worlds bring hunting to a new generation of players. theHunter: Call of the Wild is built using Apex – Avalanche Open World Engine, award-winning technology crafted during a decade of developing explosive action games.
Become a Hunter. Design the Hunt.
Acquire and equip a range of rifles, handguns and bows and customize them with scopes and different ammunition types. Find and master your favorites. Practice and steady your aim at the shooting range. Develop your character by unlocking various skills and equipment. Learn how to use callers and scents, but above all else, study your prey: pay close attention to animal behavior, traits and patterns of movement.
New to hunting? Not a problem. Intelligent systems will aid and assist to make sure you get the most out of your hunt, whether you’re a hopeful novice or grizzled veteran.
Share Hunting Experiences. Earn Bragging Rights.
In addition to its rich single player experience, theHunter: Call of the Wild offers unique multiplayer options. Join up to 8 friends (or complete strangers!) in cooperative and competitive modes. Enjoy a wide range of in-game challenges and events. Hunting is more rewarding and exciting with friends, so share your experiences and earn those bragging rights.
Head out with your friends using ATVs. Moving between hunting spots on four wheels is fast, easy and most importantly – a lot of fun. Besides, after a long day of hunting, no one is going to turn down your invitation for an impromptu off-road race!

Release date
Expansive Worlds
Astragon Entertainment, Avalanche Studios
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for PC

  • OS: 64bit OS - Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel i3-4170
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 660 / ATI HD7870 - 1GB VRAM
  • Storage: 20 GB available space
  • OS: 64bit OS - Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel i7 quad-core
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVidia GTX 760 / R9 270x - 4GB VRAM
  • Storage: 20 GB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Mar 24, 2025

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox Store
Epic Games

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theHunter: Call of the Wild reviews and comments

«Better with friends»
Surprised to see this is mostly recommended, I thought it sucked
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About theHunter: Call of the Wild™ by Avalanche Studios Experience complex Animal Behavior, dynamic Weather events, day and Night cycles, simulated Ballistics, highly realistic Acoustics and an Insight into various Background Connections of the Game. Review updates: 27.02.2019 Evidence of data collected Does not exist, nor is there any Clues during the actual Game. Only when a Window opens with a crash dump image can a small Link to the "Privacy Policy" be found there ... Alternatively for resourceful People via their Website [avalanchestudios.com] Data protection laws and EU Directive 95/46/EC on Data Protection collected and processed. However, As described in Section 2 (Use and Disclosure of Information), Avalanche may disclose Your Information to Third parties, some of whom may be located in Countries outside the European Economic Area ("EEA"). You should be aware that Data protection Laws in these Countries may not comply with EU data protection laws and that By Using the Service of Your Consent, you agree to have Your personal Information in Countries outside the EEA Transferred and processed there. Very nicely worded. In Plain Language, this means that once again it is taken and recycled, and this is also available for different Service Providers;] In addition, a separate Tracking Service is integrated into the Game, which records a lot of Data from the Player. This is where the Saying "The Hunter becomes a Hunted himself" comes into Play. If you absolutely want data, not informed, create Contracts to the Detriment of the Customers and, of course, hold your Hand, the data Flow (as far as possible) is simply capped. Easy! As expected, a Request for Details of individual Addresses and Content was ignored by Avalanche. Hostames and ips: tracking.avalanchestudios.com # conf.avalanchestudios.com cotw-assets.thehunter.com # thp-social.avalanchestudios.com # console.gamesight.io # api.ingest.marketing.gamesight.io Gamesight is a Marketing Platform for Video Game providers and "Influencers and marketing analytics." Not to be confused with "Influenza," even if both are based on virus-like Behavior. Changed since the original Review (27.12.2017) flown out: appspot-preview.l.google.com thp-social-dot-ava-backend.appspot.com users.avalanchestudios.com Called up while Opening the play-related Pages of the News/Shop within Steams: www.google-analytics.com # GA-ID: UA-15218270-18,-15, etc stats.g.doubleclick.net AnalyticsIDs belong to "expansiveworlds.se" which have also developed "theHunter." The ID is also used on the Domain as well as its Website. In addition, as on almost every Page in Steam, there is a perstatic Google Analytics Tracking Cookie Below. Crash Transmitter This automatically activates for Product Initialization with attached TMP file And also becomes active in the event of Crashes or other Things, along with attached DXDiag or crashdump.dmp. execute an application: *: \ Steam\steamapps\common\theHunterCotW\CrashSender1403.exe Parameters: 5ce66391-4eab-48d4-9296-05da18664b-tmp "execute an application: C:\Windows\System32\dxdiag.exe Parameters:/dontskip/whql: off/64bit/xC: \Users\ * * * * * * \ AppData\Local\CrashRpt\UnsentCrashReports\theHunterCotW_F_1.0.0\00181c03-2dec-45b6-933b-66ad7fc3416f\dxdiag.xml If normal Tracking and Analytics are not enough, bus Reporters will be Resorted to. No new Method and especially Unity Technologies ApS with its Engine has been doing this more often since the DSVGO in order to avoid various Attack points \ ^. ^/The * CrashDialog.exe, crashrpt _ lang.ini, CrashRpt1403.dll, CrashRptProbe1403.dll and CrashSender1403.exe "im Call Of the Wild™ installation Directory can be deleted. This gives a small Error Message at the Start of the Game, but it disappears again and thus does not carry Any further weight. What can get away? Anything can actually be Blocked via hosts/DNS/Firewall. If you want to use the "Social" component or the Hunting Club Of the Game, you should leave the thp address active (note ips!). Of course, it is no Coincidence that the Social Component is linked to Analytics. Ergo, ent or neither. ---Unfortunately, there is only ja/no As an Assessment opportunity. The poor Rating has to do only with mentioned Information and is thus to be seen differentiated from purely playful Content. In the Sense of all Hunters a Weidmannsheil
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